Chapter 61

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"HARU! GET OUT AND LET'S TALK!" Mr. Yoo screamed he is now angry for what he did to his son. They are at the location where Gen. Minatozaki send to him.

"I'M WITH JEONGYEON!" the gate automatic open the guards pull them to get inside the old house. Jeongyeon saw his brother who is full of bruise and cuts. Tzuyu is asleep and he is already exhausted for what they did to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?! FUCK YOU!" Jeongyeon said and he try to come to him but the guards stop him. Mr. Yoo start to tear up after he saw Tzuyu's condition.

"I'm glad that you came Jowoon" Gen. Minatozaki said he smirk and he saw Jeongyeon who is glaring at him.

"My son" Gen. Minatozaki said and he is about to come to Jeongyeon but Mr. Yoo stop him. Tzuyu open his eyes and he saw Jeongyeon he start to cry. He want to scream and tell that he is okay but the tape on his mouth stop him.

"He is my son Haru!"

"NO! HE IS MY SON!" Gen. Minatozaki said Jeongyeon is looking at them. He is so confuse he doesn't know where to believe.

"Sally is already pregnant when she go to Japan to talk to you. She is already 1 month pregnant" Mr. Yoo said and Gen. Minatozaki shook his head.

"You are lying Jowoon. I'm sure he is my son the day she go to Japan and something happen to us. Maybe she is lying to you to keep away my son to me"

"I already said that she is already pregnant! I am the father Haru! She already told me that she is pregnant before she go to Japan! I was going with her but she stop me because you might to something to me!" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon look at them.

"Ghad just stop. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT! LET'S FUCKING GO TO THE HOSPITAL AND LET'S GO FOR THE DNA!" Jeongyeon said and he calm himself. Jeongyeon face Gen. Minatozaki

"If you are sure that I am your son and you want to get me. Why do you want hurt my brother? And Sana too you don't know how much they love each other. They fucking seperated for about 5 years because of your action too. I know that you are the one who fucking burn the shop just to get Sana. What the fuck are you thinking?" Jeongyeon said that made Gen. Minatozaki realized for what he done. His tears start to fall while looking at Jeongyeon.

"If you want to confirm to get Sana back to you, talk to her and let her do what she want to do. Your daugther is already a grown woman she knows what she want to do and she knows what man is good for her. Sir I'm with Sana for years and I know that your daugther is mature woman. Imagine living alone for years does she change? No she become more mature. Sana loves Tzuyu so much, I remember when she and Tzuyu seperate, she always tell me that Tzuyu is the one make her heart melt. She truly love her. Please understand you daugther's feelings for one time, I know you are a good man but anger remains your heart" Jeongyeon said he wipe his tears.

Tzuyu listening to them he can't help to cry as well. He got the best brother. Mr. Yoo cry as he listen to his son he can't believe that he raise Jeongyeon like that even though he is not perfect.

"DNA test let's do it" Gen. Minatozaki said he wipe his tears. And look at Tzuyu he told the guards to release him.

"Treat his wound to the hospital I will pay. And also let's do the dna with Tzuyu. We need to make sure that he is not my son. I don't want Sana to suffer more" Gen. Minatozaki said that made Jeongyeon smile. He help Tzuyu to get up and walk outside the old house.

"I will surrender to the police if I will know the whole truth. I'm sorry" Gen. Minatozaki said and he call the guards that guarding Sana. That let Sana go and they agree.

The nurse get a sample to Tzuyu and he smile to the nurse. The nurse can't help to blush by looking at Tzuyu's handsome face. Sana is glaring at the nurse Tzuyu notice it and he pinch her cheeks.

"Cutie" Tzuyu said and the nurse slowly go out. Sana is still glaring at the nurse.

"Hey stop glaring you are scaring the nurse" Tzuyu said and Sana look at him.

"Why are you smiling at her?"

"Cause I'm thankful that she treat my wounds?" Tzuyu innocently asked and Sana hug him.

"If she can treat your wound I can also treat yours too. I can even give you a energy" Sana said that made Tzuyu giggle. He hug Sana tightly and kiss her head.

"Yeah I know I love you so much" Tzuyu said and he feel that Sana is smiling to him. She stole a kiss from me and smile brightly to him.

"I love you so much"

"I didn't know that your mother and my father has a past. If it's true that Jeongyeon is my siblings, you are gonna be my brother too?" Sana asked that made Tzuyu furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the? I don't want!" Tzuyu said and Sana laugh at him.

"I don't think he is my brother. I can feel it" Sana said

"Well let's wait for the result" Tzuyu said and Sana look at his wound.

"I'm sorry my father cause you like this"

"Don't need to sorry. I understand your father he is hurt when you left Japan and he also thought that Jeongyeon hyung is his son. He really loves you"

"Why are you so kind? You didn't even get angry with him?" Tzuyu chuckled

"He is going to be my father in law hehe"

"You are so cute ghad. I love you so much" Sana said and she hug Tzuyu. They cuddle all night and fall asleep in each others arms

Ps: I'm sorry for the delay. I am do busy in school for this week. Thank you for waiting and your votes too.

The ending is coming, don't worry it will have a happy ending😊

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