Chapter 25

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Tzuyu: Hey are you free today?

Yes. Why?

Tzuyu: I want to watch this movie, Can you come with me? Hehe :)

Hahaha you are cute
Wait is this your way to say that "Lets date?"

Tzuyu: Well hehe if you want to consider this as a date then yes its a date

Ahahhahah omg you are so cute. It makes me want to pinch your cheeks

Tzuyu: Then pinch my cheeks. I would love to😉

Oh are you flirting?

Tzuyu: I am? Maybe you

Eh why me?

Tzuyu: You make my heart dug dug hehe


Tzuyu: Maybe I should try harder

Yeah try harder hahah

Tzuyu: Okay. I'm going to fetch you see youu

Yeah see you

Tzuyu: ❤😉

"AHHHH!" Sana scream Nayeon and Shine got wake up because of her. Nayeon look at her.

"Why are you shouting? Me and Shine are sleeping" Nayeon said and she throw a pillow to her face.

"Oh my god unnie another date ahhh!" Sana said and Nayeon throw a pillow again. Sana dodge it and she start to jump like a little girl.

"Hey hey stop it and fix yourself" Nayeon said and try to sleep again.

"Unnie help me" Sana said and Nayeon shake her head. "No I won't stop I will sleep"

Sana had no choice but to choose her own outfit for today. She wear a simple dress but she remember that maybe Tzuyu bring his motorcycle so she changed again into a ripped jeans paired with a white t-shirt and a flat shoes.

She put a natural make up since it is a simple movie date. While she was busy applying make up,Nayeon call her.

"Hey Sana your baby is outside already!" Nayeon shouted and Sana immediately finish her make up and give a goodbye kiss to Shine who is sleeping in Nayeon arms.

"Bye unnie take care of Shine" Sana said and she wore her shoes. Nayeon wave at her and she smile back.

"Hi" Sana said and Tzuyu look at her. Tzuyu smile at him and he give Sana a helmet.

"Lets go, we still need to get a ticket" Tzuyu said and Sana nodded. Sana is struggling putting the helmet in her head because of the wind. Tzuyu saw her and help her. He flash a warm smile that made Sana heart flutter.

"Such a cutie,oh wait your hair is a bit messy" Tzuyu said and he fix Sana hair, Sana eyes focus on Tzuyu. She notice how innocent his eyes are.

"Done" Tzuyu said and he look at Sana. And their eyes meet dug dug dug dug sound of their heartbeat. Tzuyu also notice Sana caramel eyes.

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