Chapter 20

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back on their high school

"Bro I'm bored" Dahyun said while playing his phone. Chaeyoung look at him. They are now at the park waiting for Tzuyu. They are going to the mall.

"You are playing your phone, still bored?" Chaeyoung said and he pull out his sketch and pencils. Dahyun look at him.

"You still sketching? Bro you are doing it all day" Dahyun said and Chaeyoung look at him blankly.

"You are taking pictures all day. And I didn't complain it" Chaeyoung said and focus on his sketch pad. Dahyun just laugh and look at Chaeyoung's sketch.

A portrait of a beautiful woman. Dahyun analyse if he knows it but he didn't.

"Bro who's that?" Dahyun asked and Chaeyoung stop at his work and look up.

"I don't know" Chaeyoung said and Dahyun confused.

"What?" Dahyun asked and Chaeyoung look at him and smile.

"I had a dream, I was in a dark forest then I start walking. I saw the trees start to light up. It's a mint green" Chaeyoung said and he close his eyes. He still remember how beautiful his dream is.

"Then I saw a woman. Looking at me but her eyes is sad" Chaeyoung said and Dahyun listen carefully.

"Then I woke up. I suddenly want to draw her" Chaeyoung said

"I had this weird feeling. I want to see her" Chaeyoung continue, Dahyun just thinking.

"You want to find her?" Dahyun asked and Chaeyoung nodded.

"I don't know but I really want" Chaeyoung answered and Dahyun nodded. He pat Chaeyoung's shoulder and smile at him.

"Okay do whatever you want" Dahyun said and Chaeyoung smile. He look at his sketch. "I really want to see you" he thought

 "I really want to see you" he thought

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Flashback ended

"Yeah I found you but you leave me" Chaeyoung said and he fix himself. He gonna meet Mina, his ex. It's been 3 years since they broke up.

"Argh why I still love you?" Chaeyoung said while looking at Mina's poster. And he look around, he saw a cabinet that full of Mina's cover magazine and other merch.

"We broke up but I still buying your merch. Man I'm so whipped for you" He said and he get his bag.

While walking, a car stop in front of him. He got curious and he look at the car. Then a tall man approach him. Chaeyoung recognize who is it.

"Hyung" Chaeyoung said and he put his arm into his shoulder. It's RM, Mina another manager slash cousin.

"Dude nice to see you" RM said while smiling at him. Chaeyoung smile back to him and give a fist bump. He and RM are very close since they are in the same club back on his highschool.

"Yeah hyung" Chaeyoung said and RM pull him to the car.

"Get in. We will go to Mina" RM said and he start to drive. Chaeyoung is looking outside and RM is glancing at him.

"Are you still pursuing Arts?" RM said and Chaeyoung nodded his head.

"I do love Arts. I still want to draw and paint" Chaeyoung said while looking outside. RM nodded

"I don't know why you two need to broke up"

"Well I don't know too but it happened. She leave" Chaeyoung said

"Then why you let her leave you" RM said and Chaeyoung look at him.

"I have a plan to fight for her but it's useless, right from the start she already let go" Chaeyoung said and RM nodded. Love is so complicated RM thought.

After a minutes they already arrived at Mina's penthouse. The guard quickly open the gate for them. The two get off the car and RM press the doorbell.

The door open and Momo is the one who open the door for them. Momo smile at Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung smile back.

"Come in" Momo said and the two get inside the penthouse. "Go upstairs Chae. In the Game room Mina is there" Momo said and Chaeyoung nodded and go upstairs.

He found easily the Game room and he knocked on the door.

"Who's that?" Mina said and Chaeyoung inhale exhale. He is nervous right now. It's been a long time when he saw Mina. Yeah they meet in the studio but he never stare into her eyes.

"It's Chaeyoung" he said and the door open. His love open the door. Mina smile at him and Chaeyoung just stare at her. Looking at her eyes. I miss those eyes he thought.

"Come inside" Mina said softly and Chaeyoung heart melted because of that voice. I miss your soft voice

He come inside and Mina let him to sit in the chair. Chaeyoung look around and he saw a bunch of game dvds and console. She still the gamer Mina I know

"So what do you want to talk about?" Chaeyoung start the conversation. Mina look at him

"Are you working with Dahyun?" Mina asked

"No, hyung need a assistant so I help him" Chaeyoung answered and Mina nodded.

"What is your intention? I mean-" Mina cut off Chaeyoung

"I'm just asking" Mina said and she look down. Chaeyoung laugh and Mina look at him confusingly.

"Okay I'm done. I'm done with your games Myoui" Chaeyoung stand up and Mina quickly grab his hand.

"What games?" Mina asked and Chaeyoung look at her.

"Are you playing dumb?" Chaeyoung said "You still enjoying playing with my heart?" Chaeyoung said and Mina stare at him.

"Do you think I'm playing with your heart? Chae I'm not!" Mina said and she tightly hold on his hand.

"Then why are you doing this?!"


"Ohmygod Mina. You said to me that I stay away from you but what are you doing?" Chaeyoung said and Mina let go of his hand and look down. Chaeyoung leave Mina penthouse and he start to tearing up.

Mina is now thinking what she have done. She wants to get back at Chaeyoung and explain her side but she ruin it.

Chae I still love you


Note: Hey guys it's been a while. I don't think I can update again. A lot of performances are coming to me😭 but I will try to update as far as I can. Don't worry I will make up to you guys❤❤


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