Chapter 29

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"Unnie hurry! Why are you always slow?" Sana said and she hurry pick Shine and her stuff. Nayeon is quickly putting her make up and she is laughing since Sana is really pissed.

"Sana its early. And you already have your car so we dont have to hurry to catch up the bus" Nayeon said and Sana smile because finally she brought her car.

"Yeah and I can take Shine whenever I want" Sana said and she pat Shine gead who is sleeping again.

"Lets go. And leave Shine to your baby and my baby shop" Nayeon said and they both go out. Nayeon is the one who is driving since Sana dont have her driving liscence.

"Drop Shine quickly and we really need to be quick since Jihyo is texting me" Nayeon said and Sana nodded. Sana cutley running to the shop and leave Shine.

"Lets go" Sana said and they drive to the building and directly go to Jihyo office. Jihyo is busy scanning the papers and she feel that someone is going inside.

"Oh here you are" Jihyo said and the two bow and Jihyo too.

"Take a sit. I have a deal to the both of you" Jihyo said and the two sit.

"Remember the project of the clothing line with Dahyun?" Jihyo said and the two nodded. Jihyo sit up straight and she give the two a piece of paper.

"I have a offer. People love your appreance in the Estee Lauder. And I think that you two can nail this"

"I want you two to quit being in the design team and join Mina. Don't worry me and Momo will be joining as well" Jihyo said and the two look at each other.

"Are you joining?" Jihyo asked and she is nervous that the two will declined since in the first place. Desiging is there passion.

"Ji we will think about it. Designing is already have a big part in my heart but I'm not afraid to take another chance like this" Sana said and Jihyo happily nodded.

"As much I love modelling. I think I need to consult my father and I'm in good terms with him" Nayeon said and Jihyo nodded.

"Take time as much as you can but tell me you want it" Jihyo said and the two nodded. They go back to their work and Jihyo just sigh.

At Jeongyeon's hopital office

Jeongyeon is busy checking the pets test result when he heard a knock to his door. One of the nurse come in and Jeongyeon look up.

"Yes. May I help you? Is there any emergency?" Jeongyeon asked and the nurse smile.

"Doc. Yoo someone is looking for you" the nurse said

"Oh really. Tell him/her to come inside"

"Yes doc. Sir you come inside" the nurse said and Jeongyeon stand up to see his visitor. He shocked when he see Nayeon's father Doctor Im who is a famous and the best General Surgeon in their country. Jeongyeon bow and Doc. Im bow too.

"Doc. Im may I help you?" Jeongyeon politely said and Doc. Im just sit in the chair in front of Jeongyeon desk.

"Take a sit Doc. Yoo" Jeongyeon quickly back to his chair. He sit up straight and he is so nervous since he is Nayeon's father.

"I heard that you are dating my daughter" he said and Jeongyeon froze to his chair.

"You know that I hate guy who is dating my daughter without my permission" he said and Jeongyeon turn into pale.

"Let me direct to say that I don't like you to be my daughter's boyfriend. I know that you are a good man and talented but Doc. Park is the perfect for my daughter and not you" he blunty said and Jeongyeon look away. He start to get angry since he mention Doc. Park Jimin who is his rival in their medical school.

Jeongyeon is actually studying both vet and surgeon but he failed some of his subject because Jimin is bullying him. He always beaten up because of him.

"I have a high respect to you but I wanna say that your daughter has a right to choice whoever she want to date" Jeongyeon said and the old man just laugh.

"Remember this young man, I am her father and I know what is best for my daughter. I'm warning you" Doc. Im said and the walk away. Jeongyeon slam his arms to his table and he massage his nape.

"I don't know what to do bunny" he said and he slam his head to his table.

After Nayeon work she directly go to the hospital to check on Jeongyeon. She is happily walking towards his office with a food to have a dinner with him.

"Is Doc. Yoo there?" Nayeon asked the front desk and the nurse smile.

"Yes Ms. Im. He is inside his office. Good timing that you brought a dinner for him" the nurse said and Nayeon look at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Doc. Yoo never go out to his office since lunch and the other nurse said that he doesn't want to eat" the nurse said and Nayeon nodded.

"Thank you I will take care of him" she said and she quickly go to his office and knock. She heard a come in and she go inside.

"Jeongieeeee" she cutely said and Jeongyeon look up. He weakly smile and he approach her a hug. Nayeon hug him back and smell him.

"I heard that you are not eating anything since lunch" Nayeon said and Jeongyeom broke the hug.

"I am busy bunny and I didnt feel any hunger" he said and Nayeon pout. They sit in the couch and Nayeon put her food in the small table.

"You still need to eat something. Its not good to your health"

"Yeah but I am hungry now since you are here" he tease and Nayeon pinch him.

"I have food here. I bought it in your favorite restaurant. Lets eat" Nayeon said and she open. Theres pasta and fried chicken.

"You forgot to buy something to drink" Jeonyeon said and Nayeon look at him and she saw a bruise on his forehead.

"Jeongie what happen to your forehead. Did someone punch you?" She asked and Jeongyekn shake his head.

"I accidentally bump my head in the table earlier" Jeongyeon lied and Nayeon nodded her head. Nayeon kiss Jeongueon forehead that made Jeongyeon blush.

"To ease the pain" Nayeon smile with her eye smile and Jeongyeon smile back. He pout his lips and he pointed it.

"I have a pain here" he said and Nayeon laugh and give him a peck. Jeongyeon smile more and eat peacefully. They are talking to each other. Asking how they day go and Jeongyeon didnt mention about her father visiting him.

Their conversation git cut off when Jeongyeon phone ring. He answered it because its from Felix.

"Hello boy, do you need something?" He asked and he heard Felix is sobbing and he heard some fire truck siren.

Jeongyeon look at Nayeon with fear to his eyes. Nayeon is already worry about him.

"H-h-h-h-hyung t-the s-shop is burning. I'm sorry" Felix said and he sob. Jeongyeon tears is start to fall.

"Jeongie is there something wrong?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon start to tremble.

"B-bunny the shop is burning" he stutters and Nayeon froze and she remember



Note: Prepare your hearts people

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