Chapter 52

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Sana🌸✔ @sanashine

Date with my favorite man❤ @chtzy

Date with my favorite man❤ @chtzy

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Sanayaaaa @satangggggaa
I think she has a boyfriend now😣❤

News @newsreport

Park Modelling confirm that Model Minatozaki Sana is dating a non showbiz. They also said that the two have already a thing for the past years.

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Anon @anon
I told youuuu. There is already a rumor about Sana having a non showbiz boyfriend.

Anonnn @anonnna
Lucky guyyy to date Sana😭

Sanation @sanation

Uwu @uwuing
I saw them earlier and they are so sweet to each other. Btw the guy is so handsome I CAN'T-

Chou Tzuyu @chtzy


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Sana🌸✔ @sanashine

This is our date yeah @chtzy talk to me

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"You keep writing there. What are you writing?" Sana asked Tzuyu who is busy writing something. Tzuyu smile to her and shook his head.

"Nothing random stuff" Tzuyu answered and Sana nodded. Sana noticed that a lot of girls are checking him out and staring like they about to rape Tzuyu

"I don't like those girls especially the way they look at you" Sana said and Tzuyu laugh at her. He hold Sana's hand and massage it. Tzuyu is drinking his iced coffee his dimple is showing on.

"Let them look at me but they can't get me. Don't worry my eyes are already set on you" Tzuyu said and Sana giggle.

"You are so cute" Sana said Tzuyu stare at her and pinch her cheeks. Sana just laugh at him. And they continue to eat their and talk anythung random.

Meanwhile Nayeon is with Yeona today since she have no schedule and Jeongyeon is going back to the animal shelter again. Elkie is also busy and she is planning to back to Taiwan.

"Auntie where are going to go?" Yeona asked and Nayeon put Yeona on the backseat of the car and fix her seatbelt.

"Is not weird to call me Auntie when I am your daddy's girlfriend?" Nayeon asked and Yeona smile at her

"I thought you are not daddy's girlfriend" Yeona said and Nayeon plam herself

"Oh right, okay call me mommy" Nayeon said and Yeona smile more. Yeona give her a kiss on her cheeks.

"Okay mommy. Yehey I have a mommy now" Yeona said and Nayeon giggle she give her a kiss on forehead.

"Okay let's go to the supermart we will buy some groceries and I will cook dinner for you. We will go to Auntie Sana penthouse. We will gonna play with sunshine" Nayeon said and Yeona nodded. Yeona got excited when she heared that they will be going to play to sunshine later.

The two already arrived at the supermart and Nayeon put Yeona on the cart. Nayeon is thankful that no one recognized her. Yeona got hyper when Nayeon buy her a fruits with chocolate.

"You must really like chocolates" Nayeon said and Yeona nodded her head.

"I like chocolate but I like you more. Ah no I love youuu" Yeona cutely said and Nayeon giggle. They are going to the meat section when Nayeon recognize someone. She heart start to beat faster but she didn't bother to greet him.

Nayeon focus herself to buy some meat cuts when someone recognized her and approach her.

"I thought I will not going to see you again" Dr. Im said and Nayeon look back to him. Yeona is looking at them and she just observe the old man.

"Yeah nice seeing you again" Nayeon said and she is about to walk away when her father hold her.

"Can you go home and have a dinner with us? Your mother is missing you so much. I was happy when someone told me that you visited the hospital, I came to see you but you already left the hospital" Dr. Im said and Nayeon look at him.

"Yeah I visited someone not for you. Sorry for the being rude but I stop treating you like a father when you force me to marry someone and abandon me" Nayeon said and Dr. Im smile at her.

"It's okay if you still not forgive me but I wanna say that I am so sorry but what I've done" Dr. Im said and he saw Yeona who is looking at him. He smile and pat Yeona's head.

"Hi your name is Yeona right?" Dr. Im asked Yeona nodded her head.

"Be good to your father and love him. Same to this beautiful woman beside you" Dr. Im said and Yeona smile at him.

"Don't worry I will love her as much as I love my daddy" Yeona said and Nayeon give her father a small smile and she push the cart away from her father. Nayeon's heart start to feell heavy she is tearing up and Yeona notice it.

"Mommy I love you" Yeona said and Nayeon smile at her.

"I love you too little girl. Let's finish this and we will go to Auntie Sana's penthouse" Nayeon said and Yeona nodded.

Im Nayeon✔ @imnabongs

My little girl Yeona😍❤ @jeongs

My little girl Yeona😍❤ @jeongs

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JY @jeongs
Argh did you buy her another toy?
➡️ Im Nayeon✔ @imnabongs
Yes,do you have a problem?
➡️ JY @jeongs

Nayeonation @yeonation

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