Chapter 6

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"Wassup my papi!!" Dahyun scream while entering the shop. Chaeyoung just laugh about his hyung action. Tzuyu look at them with a smile on his face.

"Yow" Chaeyoung greet Tzuyu with a fist bump. Tzuyu smile and fist bump with the two of them.

"You don't have a class?" Tzuyu asked Chaeyoung who is sitting comfortably at the chair.

"No. Later in the afternoon. You?" Chaeyoung ask Tzuyu. Actually the two of them still in college. While Dahyun is already graduated he took digital photography. He is a freelance photographer. Chaeyoung took fine arts while Tzuyu took Business Management since hia older brother Jeongyeon is a veterinary.

"I have only class on the afternoon. It's good since I can check the pets here in shop" Tzuyu said and checking the forms.

"By the way where is hyung?" Dahyun ask Tzuyu.

"Someone needed him in the clinic. That's why he is not here" Tzuyu answered. Chaeyoung stand up look at the puppies and dogs. He notice that there was a not familiar puppy.

"Hey is this new?" Chaeyoung ask and Tzuyu look at Shine. Chaeyoung notice the Tzuyu's eyes.

"Whoa I think you like this shibainu huh?" Chaeyoung ask and Tzuyu nodded. She smile and he carry Shine on his arms. Chaeyoung and Dahyun look at Shine they also smile.

"Papi this shibainu is so cute I wanna take it home!" Dahyun said while giggling. Chaeyoung nodded and he keeps pat Shine head. Shine is also enjoying.

"What is the name?"

"Shine and she is a female" Tzuyu answer and he put again Shine in the cage. Tzuyu smile when he remember the owner earlier. Man she is so beautiful yet so cute.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung look at each other. And they smile.

"Ehem" Chaeyoung said and he keeps poking Tzuyu's dimple. Tzuyu look at them.

"I bet something happen earlier huh" Dahyun said and he join Chaeyoung poking Tzuyu's dimple.

"Nothing I just find her owner beautiful" Tzuyu said directly to them. Both of them smile.

"And stop poking my dimple" Tzuyu said. Chaeyoung and Dahyun stop

"Ey my papi has a crush. Yiee" Dahyun tease Tzuyu. Tzuyu just smile and leave them.

"Hey you never look into the girls. It is first time that someone catches your eyes"

"I find her beautiful. I didn't say that I like her" Tzuyu defense himself to his friends. Seems like they don't buy it.

"Papi I know you. And it is the first time that you find a woman a beautiful well except for your mother" Dahyun said he keeps wiggle his eyebrows. Tzuyu look at him in disgust.

"Don't do that hyung you look a pervert" Tzuyu said and he ignore his friends.

"Papi what is her name?" Dahyun ask and he keeps poking again Tzuyu's dimple.

"Stop poking my dimple. And stop asking me about her" Tzuyu said and he feeds some fish.

"Eyy killjoy" Dahyun said and he keeps whining like a kid.

"Okay fine. Her name is Sana" Tzuyu said and he smile again. Dahyun and Chaeyoung fist bump.

"Yiee why are you smiling huh?" Chaeyoung tease Tzuyu and he can't help to smile more.

"Okay okay she's beautiful and I think I have a little crush on her" Tzuyu admitted and the two screaming like a teenage boy who notice their crush.

"Stop both of you"

"Do you have her number?" Chaeyoung ask

"Yes" Chaeyoung and Dahyun smile at each other.

"Stop I know what are you trying to do. She is older than me"

"Age doesn't matter" Dahyun said

"Yeah I mean Dahyun is dating a woman who is older than him" Chaeyoung said Tzuyu look at Dahyun

"Hyung are you dating someone?" Tzuyu ask Dahyun smack Chaeyoung head.

"No I'm not dating her. I just like her you know" Dahyun said and he blush.

"I saw you and her in the park yesterday"

"Ah that she wanted to hire me in their company"

"Oh what company" Tzuyu ask

"Park Modelling"

"Oh it is not far from here" Tzuyu said

"Yeah I'm still thinking of it"

"Why? I mean is it good opportunity" Chaeyoung said

"I want to roam around and take pictures"

"You can still take picture after work right" Tzuyu said and she smile at Dahyun.

"Hyung you can earn money and you can still take pictures" Tzuyu said and Chaeyoung nodded sign that he agree.

"Okay I giving it a try" Dahyun said and he smile to his friend.

"We can accompany you hyung I am free every morning" Tzuyu said

"I can skip my classes if you want to"

"No don't skip your classes , you smolbean" Dahyun said and Chaeyoung pouted. Tzuyu look at him in disgust.

"What about the shop Tzuyu"

"Jeongyeon hyung is here tomorrow for the whole day" Tzuyu said

"Okay tomorrow" Dahyun said and he smile at the two. The two gave Dahyun a thumbs up.


Note: Hi it's been a while and I hope you guys like this chapter hehe. Leave a comment and vote. Thank you for reading💖

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