Chapter 48

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"Let me help you" Jeongyeon said and he help Nayeon carry some boxes. Nayeon just look at him and nodded her head. She don't know what to feel right now. She admit that she miss Jeongyeon but she still don't know of she loves him or not.

"Ouch" Nayeon said because the boxes fell into her foot. Jeongyeon immediately go see her if she hurt or not.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked he about to touch Nayeon's feet when Nayeon stop him.

"It's okay" Nayeon said and they continue to work. Since they finsih their work late the care taker said that they sleep here since it's dangerous to go home.

"Dr. Yoo you can use the other room with Ms. Im. Sorry there is only one room here" The care taker said

"It's okay you can share the room for you and Ms. Im. I'm good here at the couch" Jeongyeon said and the care taker don't have a choice to follow him.
(Ps: the care taker is a girl hehe)

"Here some pillows and blankets" the care taker said and Jeongyeon accept it. Nayeon is about to go inside the room when she heard.

"Nayeon goodnight" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon don't turn back and she go inside. Jeongyeon just smile and he lay down the bed.

Nayeon can't sleep and the care tajer beside her is already. She decided to drink some milk when she saw Jeongyeon who is smoking outside. Nayeon eyebrows furrowed and approach him.

"When did you learn how to smoke?" Nayeon said that made Jeongyeon jump.

"Holy shit you scared me" Jeongyeon said and he continue to smoke. Nayeon got pissed and snatch his cigarette and stomp it.

"Hey that's only one left" Jeongyeon said and he look at Nayeon.

"So? When did you learn how to smoke and what happen to you?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon just lool at her.

"I don't know" Jeongyeon answered

"I don't know what happen to me when you leave me. You didn't even care to listen to me. I don't know Nayeon I don't know" Jeongyeon said and he hold Nayeon's hand. He look at Nayeon directly to her eyes. Nayeon feel melted to his stares.

"I'm mad at you but I don't know why when I look at your eyes my anger disappear. Nayeon I admit that I still in love with you" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon cup his head.

"I'm sorry if I didn't let you explained and I don't know what I feel right bow" Nayeon said. He let go of her hand and smile

"I understand. Have a goodnight" Jeongyeon said and he started when his phone rings. He saw Tzuyu is calling him.

"Yes?" Jeongyeon said and he heared that Tzuyu is sobbing.

"Bro what happen?" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon look at him.

"H-hyung Y-yeona she can't breath. H-hyun hyung her asthma-" Jeongyeom hang up and he start to tear up that Nayeon confused she hold Jeongyeon hand.

"Hey what happen? Did something happen?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon start to cry.

"Yeona yeona yeona" Jeongyeon said and he run to take his money and stuff. He remember that he left his car to the tailer.

"Fuck shit" Jeongyeon cursed then he saw a car in front of him. He saw Nayeon who is in the driver seat.

"Hop in. Let's go" Nayeon said and Jeongyeom quickly go inside. The whole ride is quiet Nayeon only hear sobs.

"Yeona" Jeongyeon said and he is crying. Nayeon is really curious who is Yeona.

"Can we go to the hospital?" Jeongyeon asked and Nayeon nodded her head. They arrived at the hospital it is Im's General Hospital. Jeongyeon quickly run inside to find Yeona. Nayeon followed him inside.

"Good evening Ms. Im" the nurse said and Nayeon pull Jeongyeon

"My friend is looking for someone-" Nayeon cut off when Jeongyeon said

"Yoo Yeona where is she?" Jeongyeon said

"Ah in room 219 sir" the nurse said and Jeongyeon bow. Nayeon is still following him and she pull Jeongyeon to face her.

"Who is Yeona?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon wipe his tear.

"Later I will explained everything" Jeongyeom said and they arrived at room 219. Nayeon saw her friends outside the room she look at them. They look so down and Jihyo tears flowing down. Sana is there with Jihyo hugging her.

"What is happening?" Nayeon asked and Sana look at her. She start to cry and hug her. Nayeon is still confused and look inside who is Yeona.

She saw a child that Chaeyoung posted in twitter. Nayeon is really confused and she hold into Sana.

"Tell me who is Yeona?" Nayeon asked

"She is my daughter" Jeongyeom said and Nayeon feel weak. She look at the innocent girl who is sleeping with a oxygen mask.

"Wow" Nayeon said and she walk out. Jeongyeon follow her up to the roof.

"Nayeon let me-" Nayeon slap Jeongyeon. Nayeon start to cry and she keep punching Jeongyeon's chest.

"I hate you I hate you" Nayeon said and she sit cry as much as she want. Jeongyeon kneel in front of her.

"Dahyun said to me that Jimin set up you at first I believer but it's true. You fuck another girl and made her pregnant. I hate you" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon hold her head.

"Look at me. NAYEON LOOK AT ME" he wipe her tears and kiss her forehead lovingly.

"She is not my real daughter. She is adopted. I never cheated on you and I never fuck a girl" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon look at him.

"Are you telling the truth?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon nodded his head.

"That night I was only drink a few shots when a girl show up and try to seduce me. But Jin saw her putting some drugs at my drink that made my body feel hot and I can't think straigthly. Yes I kissed that girl but Jin stop me and the girl. Nothing happen" Jeongyeon explained

"Why are you naked at your condo?"

"I'm not naked, topless. Jin is the one who undress me and take care of me"

"I didn't saw him that time"

"Jin is in the bathroom that time. He is pooping I think. He didn't show up and help me to explain because his stomach is hurting" Jeongyeon said that made Nayeon laugh.

"What the fuck. I'm sorry" Nayeon said and she kiss Jeongyeon's lips that made him blushed.

"Cutie" Nayeon said and she left Jeongyeon who is frozen at his place.

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