|By hook or by crook|

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I navigated inside my territory at a tremendous speed. Passing by the small patch of lawn and was about to ring the doorbell, without looking back for once.

Ring. Ring.

Jongi opened the door. And along with him, his sarcastic approach welcomed me too.

"Hey, why have you returned home this early? Perhaps, did your friends deliberately kick you out cause they probably could not stand your behavior?" Jongi jeered at me, trapping my way completely, placing his one hand on the wall and the other rested on the frame of the solid timber door.

"Bugger off, you tiny jerk." I snorted before pushing his head aside and making my way to the drawing-room. I finally sat on the chair with an unenthusiastic slouch.

Answered questions flashed through my mind. Was that just a normal break down of puberty or he really began to like me?

"Dasom, look what have I prepared for you!" Mom said with a tinge of excitement as I could see her normal smile changing into a beautiful prideful smile, presenting me the delicate-looking delicacy.

But for now, my mind was pre-occupied by someone else's thoughts, precisely speaking, it was Prof. V and that unfinished kiss that was daunting me. It was more than enough to keep me intrigued for the rest of the day.

"Mom, I need a quick nap to freshen up myself, my body is demanding for it," I replied in a lazy way, repudiating to eat anything for the moment.

"Hy! It's your personal favorite lemon tart with orange glaze. How can you say no to this?" Jongi gave a half shrug of shoulders, walking towards us.

"Mom, please." I pressed my words, squeezing her arm tightly.

"You must be tired, take your forty winks before to come down for this." She flapped her hands and that gave me to sign that it was all okay and that she was not hurt.

I gave her a back hug and before dashing in my room, I turned around to voice out for my claimable eatery property, "Jongi, by the way, I will be eating it all. Don't you even dare to lay a finger on them."

His lips were set into a smirk.
"As you say, my dear sister."

"Cool," I replied with widened eyes. Internally believing he wouldn't comply with my conditions at any cost.

I closed the door behind me and threw myself on the bed, my body rebounded on the soft cozy bed like any yoyo toy.

My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. My heartbeat went crazy and it was augmenting erratically. I don't know if it's love or just a deep infatuation of puppy love.

I instantly flipped myself and laid on my stomach, fishing out the phone from my bag. I thought of doing a little research on the phase that I was going through momentarily.

I resorted to googling, the mother of every problem. I typed 'the possible signs of falling in love with someone.' And the result was instant.

The first point went like this one, You always think about them.

'If you love someone, you may feel like you can't get them off of your mind. That's because your brain releases phenylethylamine, aka the "love drug" when you fall in love with someone. This hormone creates the feeling of infatuation with your partner.'

Fine, I do think about him like more often than not. Next.

You've been stressed lately.

Although love is often associated with warm and fuzzy feelings, it can also be a huge source of stress. Being in love often causes your brain to release the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead you to feel the heat.

Mr. Villain | kth | ✓ (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now