|Wedding Anxiety|

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3 5.   W e d d i n g   A n x i e t y

I jumped as the musical preludes or solos began to ascend the bubbly vibes on my wedding day. Nari went out of the room to get me a glass of lemonade as she witnessed me having a hard time living in the moment. "I can't do this, I'm not doing this..." I repeated the same thing to myself over and over again.

Nari entered through the door quietly. Handing me an expresso martini nonchalantly. "What's this? Who wants to get drunk in such a moment?" I frowned.

"Trust me I asked for lemonade but the waiter handed over this, saying it gives faster results." She shrugged her bare shoulders. Nari was dressed in a perfect black sleeveless-one shoulder chiffon dress. Her blonde hair set in a side-swept style that gave her the look of the Greek goddess.

"Fuck it off." I chugged down the bitter liquid, finding no positive results after the consumption. "I'm not going to wake up before dawn just to feed on his empty stomach, we will hire a housemaid."

"Dasom! What if she builds a strong cemented wall between you two? These sluts don't take much time to grab the owners' belongings without their permission." Nari fanned her nails before slumping on the couch beside me.

"I've to be extra cautious for at least five years to maintain the delicacy of our relationship. It will be a sensitive period for us, you know..." I constantly lifted the sweetheart neckline to cover my chest, but it just fell down.

"Why is this hanging down? Mom told me a couple of days ago to wear it and check is there are any alters needed. goddammit!" I gritted my denture, waving my hands in disappointment, kind of helpless with my clumsy form.

She held out a hand and I stood back on my heels. "Everything becomes a fashion once you understand how to gear it up and the fact that it looks sexy should not be ignored." She said, pulling my dress a tad lower just to reveal a little more on the upper part of my left breast.

"You look ready for the late-night dinner, make additional high voltage cock-a-doodle-doo, your man will be a slave for the rest of your life. I bet." She winked, holding my shoulders in a tight grip.

"That's seven days wonder, it happens only in marvel land." I scoffed, adjusting the beautiful veil that was tucked on my head. "Where's Jimin? Is he even attending the wedding or not?"

"I don't know. I'm not in touch with him for the past few days." She said, without giving it a keen, attentive thought. A minute later my mother barged in the room. "Dasom, your father is waiting outside, the ceremony has started..."

"Mom, did you see Jimin sorry... I mean Taehyung? how does he look?" Although I wanted to know about both the men but then it wouldn't look good if I ask for any other man besides my future husband that's why I laid more emphasis on Taehyung's presence.

"Jimin is looking hotter but Taehyung is looking the hottest I'm telling you- now please hurry up, everyone's waiting for you." She yelled lowly and helped me walk out of the room to the main hall.

It was a medium-sized wedding. The atmosphere was celebratory, but not over the top. My father extended a hand, smiling. Spread down the aisle was the white leaves as far as my eyes could see, and there stood he, my loverboy.

On either side of the aisle, relatives representing my family sat on the white chairs with some of his friends. Meanwhile, the priest came and said out loud. "Please stand for the bride," a sudden wave of excitement flashed through everyone's faces.

My fingers intertwined, harshly with my father's. I chanted only one sentence. "Stay there, stay there, stay there." I cast an annoyed glance at my cleavage which was surely going to spring out of my dress. Thankfully everyone mistook the redness of my face for nervousness. It is partly right.

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