|Black lace|

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1 1. B l a c k l a c e

"Yah! Jongi pass me the remote." I whined, tucking into the cookie before snatching the remote from his tiny chubby hands violently.

"Eh...what do you want to watch? Watch it on your phone." He retorted, balling his hands into white knuckle fists. He watched the transformation of his cartoon character to a crucial penalty kicks scenario in a segue, which was highly unbearable for him.

"Manchester vs Barcelona, don't want to miss the chance of watching it on the big screen. It gives a different feel, you know." I began munching on my cookie again, smiling proudly.

He kicked me in the stomach right away.

"Stop it! Go and get back to your studies." I spat at him. He immediately appeared in front of me, blocking the tv screen. "Okay fine, you win, I lose. I'm going now." I snorted, dragging my feet back to my room.

I tied a messy pigtail before laying on the bed, my eyes averted on the thin black material that was peeking out my shoulder bag. I pulled the material out at a slow pace, observing it through my microscopic eyes. To my surprise, it was a black lacy spaghetti top. It could never be mine and not even Nari's I supposed.

An eerie silence crawled onto my skin and my mind began producing weird analogies.

Did V sneakily put it in my bag purposely? I'm not a slut, never have I worn such kinds of clothes in my life, he should know that by know.
Just then my phone buzzed, I pulled it out my bag and saw a message sent by an unknown number.

<<unknown no.>>

*No ifs, no buts. I want you to wear it to university tomorrow.
Until then sleep tight, dream of me.

My laugh changed into the bark in a split second. I'm ruined. I instantly texted Nari.

Tomorrow before dawn,
my place with your red mocassins.

I crumbled on my bed, tomorrow... It's going to be a brand new day.


I was marching with a lightninglike speed in my room, the lacy garment was set down in the center of the bed---- no impulse, only nervousness displayed on my colorless face.
A shrill sound of Nari's age-old scooter pierced through my ear and I left my room instantly.

I opened the door and greeted her but she just ignored me and headed inside with no words spoken. "Good morning Dasom!" Jimin uttered, catching me off guard. "What are you doing here?" I pronounced lowly.

"DASOM!" Nari squealed from my room. I jumped on my place and saw a familiar smirk playing on his plummy lips.

"What's up there?" Jimin pushed me aside, climbing the stairs with a quick speed. "No no Jimin, don't enter in my room, please no---" I followed him, trying to catch his leg but he jerked me off even before I got a tight grasp on it.

"What is it, Nari?" He enquired.

"Gorgeous." She let out a satisfied sigh, picking the piece of clothing in her hands.

"What the crap! Dasom." Jimin's eyes literally were about to explode.

"Jimin move out of my room right away!" I signaled him, opening the door for him. "Dasom, did you buy this? the brand is pretty expensive tho."

"No I didn't but it... it's a gift." I shrugged my shoulders, deflecting the uneasiness. "Who gifted you this?" He asked coldly.

"Prof. V, I think he wants to start off a relationship with me," I said loudly, covering up the nervousness and the embarrassment.

"That bloody math-maniac wants to what?" He spat at me, highlighting disapproval straightaway.

"Dasom, we don't have enough time, and you." She kicked him out of the door.


Jimin parked the scooter and I got off followed by Nari. A short burst of air pushed my hair back revealing my collarbone completely. I hid behind Nari and Jimin who still didn't look convinced by this bold idea of mine.

As I stepped in the classroom, the boys started howling, whooping, wolf-whistling in over excitement. Different hertz of voices were produced by the entire class.



"Who's that chick?"

Such and such comments boomed in my ears. A girl lifted up from her seat, crossing her arms, "Girl with the dream of pulling it up from rag to riches, what say?" She wiggled her eyebrow and a devilish smirk plastered on her face.

Just then, a boy with a pyramid-shaped face peered out of them from the door. "Attention everyone! Prof. V is on leave today."

"Plan A failed. Next time come up with a six inches deeper neckline." She snapped.

Nari wanted to butt in but Jimin pulled her back. "Let her realize her mistake." He whispered in her ear, she pursed her lips, helplessly.

I left the place, wearing my jacket on my way back home, with a face like a brewing storm.


I slipped in my flip flop making my way through the drawing-room to my bedroom, Ignoring my mom's existence as she spoke."You came back early today, everything okay?"

I closed the door and began sobbing as I collapsed on the bed. Why did he do this to me? what is my worth in his eyes? I started feeling drowsy, and therefore my eyes shut out as anxiety overtook my senses.


I didn't eat anything in the dinner and asked mom to not to tell this to father, I was not in a mood for a harangue. It was already a tiring day for me, although I did nothing besides, lying on the bed for the whole day like any dead person with eyes flung open.

Nevertheless, I plugged in my earphone listening to Mic drop- a BTS song. As I opened my book I was reminded of him so badly, his serious side, his caring side, his gentleman side, his sense of humor and all that jazz. He was completely into me. I smiled, thinking about him.

My attention diverted to the loud thumping sound coming from behind me- the window. It was like someone's wanted to get access through the large glass window to my room.

I removed my earphones and took baby steps towards the window. I pulled the light-weighted white curtain hurriedly.

"Hey." He waved a bouquet of fuchsia-colored lilies at me.

" He waved a bouquet of fuchsia-colored lilies at me

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Word count- 1115

Captain's note- What should Dasom do in such a case?

A) Push him off, like an evil.

B) Pull him in a kiss, like a devil.

C) Explain yourself V, like a queen.

(My lazy ass goes with option B >_<)

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