|Define: Marriage|

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3 6. D e f i n e : M a r r i a g e

"Do I look ugly, fat and disgusting? Taehyungie! I really need you to pay me a compliment." I yelled, checking my petite figure in the dressing table's mirror.

"Your eyesight is damn near perfect." He proclaimed, hitting his fingers on the laptop keys with a speed of light, kind of aggressively.

"Great! so you think of me as a fool, you could've just barked false statement asshole. Learn to keep your lady happy." I ceased combing off my hair, exhausted with the same old same old typical- universal behavior of husbands.

"A Man changes after marriage just like how the seasons change so easily, implying to replace the clothes in the wardrobe, but can I replace you?" I complained, sitting on the bed beside him. "Congrats buddy on your accomplishment." I teased him rather bitterly.

"Oh no I certainly don't want to take this credit all alone, you women to have a major role at making us suffer from firing excessive self-related questions all the time as I imagine, what have I--- representing the male community of people has done to deserve this kind of treatment?"
He probed, shutting down the laptop.

"Can't you just say, Dasom please go out and participate in any beauty contest, you will surely return home wearing a crown and a sash with a winner title boldly written on it." I nudged him, weaving fake sweetness in my words. "That could have made my day."

"I don't lie on Saturdays." He chimed, getting up from the bed and heading towards the shoe rack as if my presence really didn't matter to this guy.

"What was the name of the eating place, come again please?" He asked, turning around while holding a bottle of Nivea deodorant in his hand, he was about to press it.

"Red Onion-- D-86 block, Hannam Bong," I said, pressing my forehead with my hand to handle the furiousness that was boiling at the highest temperature at the back of my mind.

Okay, let's forget about him and talk about Jimin and Nari.

I witnessed them getting a tad bit but closer to each other as we danced on the dancefloor just two months back on my wedding function. Finally hearing Nari and Jimin take this closeness to the next level of intimacy is a piece of good news for the couple. They are planning to get married by the end of this month.

And today we have invited them to have dinner we us. Although the place was chosen by my very dear husband he has a permanent short term memory problem only in things that tends to be related to me.


We drove past the busy road of Seoul, turning the engine off when the road was completely packed and blocked while turning it on when there was a hope of little movement in the glued vehicles velocity.

Two hours later, we reached the said restaurant, parking the car in the parking lot with ease. The disturbing noise of horns activated on the loudest pitch once again as we stood on the pavement to get on the other side of the road. Taehyung extended his hand and I instantly grabbed his forearm instead, mild-warm wind swiped my hair to the side.

Paving our own path between the zigzag lines of cars waiting to take a 'go' we got there. The guard opened the wooden door and the bustling of the outside world shunned once we merged inside.

Taehyung stood there like a pillar and I rotated my neck at 360 degrees, searching the signs of two familiar faces. Letting my eyes travel to the maximum distance I spotted them within seconds before he did. "Out there," I signaled.

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