|Dubious statements|

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1 8.   D u b i o u s   s t a t e m e n t s

"So, the midterms are starting from tomorrow. I wish you the best and expect each one of you to score good marks." V announced.

Jimin was sitting silently jotting down something in his notebook, not caring for the world or at least not for me.

V pivoted on his heels and pulled out the cap of his marker, drawing a graph on the whiteboard. "And this right here is a very important question and has been asked frequently in the previous years question paper, do touch this topic."

This statement entered through my one ear and left it's a shady trace from the other.

Taking the right advantage of sitting on the last bench alone, I slithery ruptured to sleep after unwillingly being a part of the act in the canteen a few minutes ago.

Seven minutes thirty-one seconds passed peacefully, I whimpered when I got hit by a paper ball.

Opening my eyes and fluttering my lashes frequently, I saw V swinging his legs as he sat on the students' table, six rows ahead of me. I resurrected my spine, fixing my hair and top.

"And wipe your drool too," He pointed without looking at me but being fully aware of my sneaky power nap.

The serenity of the noisy classroom stopped my actions. After observing that I was the only one left in the classroom apart from him. I thought of leaving the place immediately.

Hit by another paper ball on my nose which caused tme o form a crease on my forehead. Is he playing with me? or enjoying to see me get hurt?

An annoying smirk playing across the corner of his lips. He stuffed his hands in the side pockets, bending down and shaking his head to set the bangs in a perfect boy-next-door style.

"I thought you were the angry cause of that," I lowered my gaze to my hands, showing helplessness.

Yet another attack pulling me in a disdainful delirium. "And what's that for?" I asked, knitting my brows and walking up to him. "Anyways, I've to revise the chapters for the exam tomorrow, bye."

As I was about to step out of the classroom he hooked his arm in my arm, capturing my waist in another second. "I want to see you at seven in the evening, and mind you," He spoke after a long pause "Dress formally." He whispered in my ear from behind.

I turned around to see his expressions, which were damn serious at that moment. "Call it an official date." He said, smiling widely before grabbing his stuff from the desk.

Neglecting the mysterious smile that crept on his visage. "What!" I squealed and jumped in my place.

"I don't know if I should say this or not..... I didn't like the way your friend what's his name, yes Jimin, the way he acted was not appropriate." He said with a broken tone.

The reminder paused my movements and the process of transferring the signals to my brain.

"You know how much I love you, just don't break my trust or I might just break your heart forever." He palmed my face before leaving a small peck on my head.

"And the pain will be unbearable, I tell you." His eyes bore into mine.


After finishing up my studies, putting a pencil, pen and an eraser in my transparent pouch, forcing out the attitude of a nerd. I was all set for the D-Day. This was the time when all my hard work and most importantly V's efforts will show it's true colors.

I felt like a soldier who is shouldering the responsibility assigned by the commander. Hoping for the best, my legs moved in the direction of my wardrobe. Something formal like what he said.

I slipped myself into a dark greenish jumpsuit that I bought it from Amazon on a bright suggestion from Nari. Thinking about all the possible adventures that I will perform getting down from the window of my room instead of making an elegant exit from the main door of my house. I think a jumpsuit will just do it.

Highlighting my lips with a baby pink color lipstick and after doing light touch up and giving a bounce to my hair. I was ready.

Locking the door from inside, I inched towards the window, throwing the stilettos on the hard ground, setting my bare feet on the cemented plank, I hopped onto the other lower surface, finally reaching down safely and soundlessly.

I positioned my feet who sent a spring-like wave to my entire body in my high heels and headed to the destination.

The cafeteria was quite far away from my residence, and it was already six in the evening, so I was mentally preparing the sketch of the route or the lane that I should pick way back to home, pacing towards the illuminated shop.


Two minutes became two hours in no time, there was no sign of V, a knot formed in my stomach not because the waiter's face twisted into something ugly beast but cause V was not answering his calls.

"Gosh! When will he come? I've to be at home by this time or else I'll be doomed if anybody finds out about my secret escape and not to forget tomorrow is my examination too." I stared through the glass wall of the cafeteria, biting my nails in curiosity.

The night got darker by every second. The cafeteria that was once filled with young couples and groups of friends was now dimly lit. Signing me to leave the shop, the tired waiter opened the door for me.

Having his car parked across the cafe, V, who was having a good time on the driver seat of his car was evidently witnessing the entire picture from the time when even she was not here. He tilted his head as he scrolled down the window glass, he was humming a sorrowful song, acting like a douche bag in away.

He removed the battery of his phone, discarding it completely by using a lighter, imagining her in such a state.
The half-burned item landed on the road.

A usual smirk plastered on his face before a young lady stopped by, resting her hands on his car's roof.

He removed his round spectacles and the orange hue coming from the streetlight brightened his face in the darkness.

"Your house or mine." She winked.

"What are your views about this car? It's capacious enough for two." V gestured with his thump.

" V gestured with his thump

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word count- 1101

Captain's note -  Comment
"All the best!"
Dasom needs your blessing in order to get good marks.


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