|His shenanigans|

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1 9.  H i s   s h e n a n i g a n s

The clock struck at 2:00 of the morning. I couldn't get an ounce of sleep with my mind flooded with obscure thoughts about my best friend's advice. Is V a womanizer and I'm his next target? Even if he is playing with my feelings then to I can't resist him cause I have started to have a feeling for him. Tossing on the bed inquisitively like a fish taken out of the pond. I sat upright on my study chair, darting a jealous glance at my dead phone.

To my surprise, my phone started ringing, showing an 'unknown number' at the top. With a smooth movement of my index finger, I hang up the call.

It must be Jimin. Something inside of me churned the thought about my best friend Jimin. I don't have hatred for him but I doubt if he has any.

Salute to the person on the other end of the phone, for calling me again. I swiped to the right and answered in a mundane tone. "Jimin, I know it's you. Can we please----"

"Dasom, It's me." A husky voice coming deep down from his throat pounded in my ear, reminding me of the real owner of this distinctive voice texture.

"V....where were you? Why were you not there and what's wrong with your phone---" I was cut off in the middle of my ranting session, interrupted by an erratic attack from him. "Dasom I'm in big trouble," He said, trying hard to control himself from crying.

"Is everything alright?" I asked meekly, pressing a hand on my throat as I marched in my room silently.

"Dasom, today I've to submit the assignment to the supervisor, who would supervise it while you people would be taking the exam,"

"So, what's the problem with that? I don't get you," I shook my head a little registering his opaque statement.

"Dasom, three students assignments are gone missing. I checked everywhere. The cupboard was empty after I took the whole bundle down, I... Seriously....don't know what to do now." His voice trailed off.

"But as far as I remember that day I collected all of them and we were in the staffroom when someone entered in and you let the bundle slip off your hands. Did you check under the staff's desk?" I asked, putting pressure on my brain to produce some valuable outcome.

"Dasom, if by any chance anyone would have got their hands on it. I'm sure they would have given it to me directly." He said, maintaining a calm composure.

"V, I was the in charge so the onus is on me to make it right. I will help you." I said in a low, unsure voice.

"No Dasom, I can't--- you have your exam tomorrow. Sorry, I'm ending the call-"

"V...V don't worry too much, just send me the copy of one," I glanced at the wall clock. "I have four hours until I get ready for the Uni."

"Dasom just make a little bit changes in them, like put some omissions, write with a different pen, overwritten words accompanied by a poor writing style. So that they don't look the same." He said with hesitation invading in his tone.

"Fine. Send it asap."


V strolled up to the kitchen in style, turning up the gas burner. He set the poor assignments on fire. Grabbing a flute as he poured some wine in it. "Cheers Dasom." Raising up the flute in victory. The evil side of V prevailed over his face- that cruel smirk.

Forgetting about my exam completely, I began dragging the pen over the plain crispy white sheets, copying the matter from my phone.

With my hands working like a machine, I stopped for a while as my hand sprained due to the nonstop, merciless usage of it.

There were three more pages to be copied down. I replayed my course of action like before.


Remembering my mother's sweet wishes, I regained my confidence. As I walked through the lobby area I saw a cluster of friends laughing nervously before casting a speedy glance at their notes in their hands, some were scattered in the corner, eyeing each other while chanting the theoretical part soundlessly.

As I moved further my head started aching very awfully due to lack of sound sleep. I pressed my forehead with my palm and walked over to Jimin.

Jimin was standing in the middle of the lobby, right outside of the big hall with his head hung down, looking at his notebook, "Last minute revision huh?" I said, making him look at me in amusement.

He nodded, looking at me for a second and then dropping his head again.

Oh, yes. He kissed me yesterday.

"Jimin, don't ignore me!" I grabbed his collar to grab his attention but it came out wrong when I fell on him like a drunkard.

"Dasom, are you fine? He asked me, who was now dwindling in his short arms.

With my half-shut eyes and furiously heated head, I got hold of myself. One could never imagine to take up any unnecessary workload on days like this.

"Yes..... you have eye bags." He said in amazement. "Oh, why not after all it's our maths exam."

"Jimin you aren't angry with me?" I asked him, pushing my notepad on my chest as I stood at a half-meters distance from him.

Ignoring my question utterly he said, "Did you bring your compass?" He asked and I noticed how his plump lips turned into a thin line as he smiled notoriously. He slipped his one hand in the back pocket of his light blue faded jeans, bouncing on his toes like a teenager who just made a love confession for the first time.

"Oopsie! I lent it to Jongi." I smacked my head and earned a chuckle from him.

In the meantime, his eyes caught the sight of V who was walking in their direction along with six more professors. V who was dressed in a velvet brown buttoned-up shirt paired with black well-fitted pants was looking dashing. His hair slightly parted from the center and the thick eyes brows teasing the tentacles of his hairs made him look like an enigmatic heartthrob.

"Come here my plushie." Jimin pulled me into a hug, cocking his brow, challenging the approach that he's got as V chuckled bitterly walking past them.

"Jimin.," I whined, struggling to break the hug.

I retracted back and saw V entering the hall. "Ahhh! Jimin he must have seen us hugging, not again." I yelled, after hitting him continuously with my notepad earning a laugh from him.

" I yelled, after hitting him continuously with my notepad earning a laugh from him

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Word count - 1128

Captain's note - He's going hard on Dasom... sorry V is an evil disguised in an angel's clothing.

I didn't get enough best wishes from u guys that's why something bad will happen in the examination hall.


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