|Nude lipstick crisis|

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1 4. N u d e l i p s t i c k c r i s i s

"So, I've got two big news for y'all. The first one; Meet your new class representative, Kim Dasom." He flew his big hand in my direction, making me puke at the very thought.


My eyes flung open wide as I gingerly pointed a finger towards my astonished self, getting up from my seat. The entire class gawked and mocked lowly at the stupid decision, seeing the front seaters settling themselves in utter discomfort got me more nervous.

With Jimin's bitter scoff and Nari's soundless laugh, I descended back on my seat.

"And the second is, I'm organizing a small scale soiree for all of you tonight. It's never wrong to build more trust, friendship and love in our relationship." And his eyes caught mine with the utterance of the last word.

I bit my lower lip and chuckled with the thought of having him as my boyfriend, his playful words were taking me on the edge, the edge underneath there's the decision of choosing either life or death.

"Get the assignments to the staff room, right now." He said and I picked up the bundle and followed him to the staff room.

The strange thing was that the staff room was as silent as the sea. As we entered in, the only sound that could be heard was of our footsteps.

"Put it on the upper cabinet," He spoke.

The heavy load of the papers outweighed my weight in real terms, causing me to form a twitch on my face.

"No, this shouldn't be your reaction, it's not that heavy," He said as he collapsed in his chair. He started eye-fucking me, I could just sense it all.

"No.. Yes actually it is, can I ask for help?" I said playfully, standing at a two arms distance from him.

"Don't have to be formal when we are alone." He said, standing up slowly and with that, he took away the burden from my hands while doing that, his hands caught my wrists deliberately, traveling smoothly way down to my hands. The friction purposely created was sending me shivers down my spine. I wonder how will I survive after we kiss each other properly for the first time?

I began perspiring, my legs became jello. He leaned down with a devilish smirk to kiss me but, wait that's not the part of our dear lordy's plan for. the day.

Just then, an old fat woman who looked like a Santa Claus with white cloudy hair tied in a top bun and a belly pot entered inside the staffroom.
She took small steps towards her seat while casting a piercing glance at me.

Shit! Students aren't supposed to enter the staff room.

In less than a second another shock threw me out, my ears perked up as I heard a featherlike collision sound made by the papers as they fell on the floor. And, by the time my mind could process what the heck was going on there, he pulled the hem of my long cardigan and therefore, I fell on my knees.

"Why do unnecessary things need to happen when I'm dying to kiss you like hell? It's a very embarrassing thing for a man." He whispered, picking up the papers.

"But, you have to be in your professional capacity or else they will fire you from the job," I said shyly.

"Damn! I hate limitations. You too wanted this right?" He said and grinned.

I giggled and got up. "Wait to turn around." He opened a drawer and instantly stuffed something inside my bag. "It was supposed to be a present with a big box, gift wrapper, and a bow stripe but for now just take it. I wanted to give you this long ago when I drove you back home after the tuition, but you were in a hurry that day."

"Yes I remember it so well and I'm truly sorry that I'm repeating it again, have to go now, bye," I whispered back.

"Bye, I will be waiting." He answered densely.


"You know I heard guys find it really sexy when the girl makes the first move. Go and kiss him. Show him who the real Dasom is?" Nari winked, adding a little blush on my cheekbones.

"And, what do you mean by the real Dasom? have I been playing a pretend Dasom all his time, huh?" I slapped her hand away, and picked the nude lipstick before I could wear it on my slacked lips, she replaced the one with a bright brown matte lipstick that gave out a slight shade of black color.

"NARI! That will make me look like a cruel vamp just coming out of the television." I replied in a riposte.

"Silly girl, if you are going to smooch him with this lipstick on, the patch will remain for long." She said cheerfully.

"No no no," I shouted and wrapped my feet in the black velvety sleek boots.

We made our way to the drawing cum dining room, where Jimin was playing with Joni and Mom was in the kitchen as always. I was wearing an emerald color knee-length silk dress with a cute bow attached at the back. V gifted me this beautiful dress but my mother is unaware of the surprising fact. Sorry, but it didn't Mommy.

I appeared in front of her and she smiled widely, "Now I realize I've given birth to such a beautiful girl."

"Mom! I'm a girl," I emphasized the term 'girl' as I slightly started accepting the fact that I'm disposing of those boxy tee's as I had been stacking girlish tops and skirts from a couple of weeks. "It's just that I'm dressed differently today." I retaliated loudly and earned a chuckle from Jimin.

"And why did you laugh?" I asked him angrily.

"When did I?" He said with a pretentious and serious voice.

In the meantime, Mom got a camera in her hands, "Jimin in the center with you ladies on either side." She said.

"Nari tucked her left arm in his arm and spread her right leg afar, pulling a funny face. Jimin snaked his arm around my slim waist. "Dasom, you are towering me, please bend down a little," He said silently, clenching his teeth.

"You sure, just a little?" I said, jokingly before placing my head on his narrow shoulder and as he uplifted his shoulders. To my horror, the camera stopped working.

"You father fixed it yesterday, but now---"

"Mom, we will be taking a lot of selfies out there, so it's okay," I said, holding her round shoulders and giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

And after bidding them farewell and before stepping out of the house. Jongi poked his head out of the door. "Hey! by the way, you are looking really pretty."

I pouted at this and gave him a flying kiss. For the first time, we treated each other with affection and I loved it.


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Word count - 1113

Captain's note - Man! I love Prof. V and his wickedness, he's a Player 🌝

Qotd- What do you think 'bout Jimin?🌚
Is he sailing on two sails? Lol

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