His name was Jordan

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Diamond's POV
We made it past security with our fake ids thank God. The club smelt of weed and alcohol jumpman by drake was playing when we walked in and everyone was feeling themselves. When we walked I'm some people started staring mainly guys and jealous hoes. We went straight over to the bar and ordered some drinks. Then I heard 'I know you wanna ride it's just you and me' bed remix by jacquees started playing and I started dancing. Suddenly I felt someone come up behind me whilst I was dancing and I quickly got up. It was some ugly dude he was wearing a black T-shirt with grey patches on it and some blue jeans with dirty old Jordans. He smiled and he had gaps in his teeth then he said "hey baby" I nearly chocked on the smell of his breath. Oh hell no not today. I looked at Teyanna and she was dying of laughter. "Er please don't touch me ever again" I said then I turned back around. Suddenly he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me towards him. "Boy get off me right fucking now" I said. Oh my gosh twice in one day and I wasn't gonna pull out a gun in a club. He still didn't let go now he was holding onto my waist "get off her" said Teyanna now hitting him. I tried pushing him off but it wasn't working. Suddenly he let go I looked up at him and his nose was bleeding. "I think I heard her say you should let her go" I heard a male voice say. I looked to the side and saw a tall guy wearing and Adidas top and tracksuit bottoms and Adidas trainers his beard was perfect and he has waves. I loved smell of his cologne and he had tattoos all over his arms. He was basically perfect. "Thank you" I said looking up at him as the other guy walked away holding his nose. "Your welcome mama" he said with a smile. We stared at eachother for a moment then I looked away. "My name is Jordan what's your name" he said. "Diamond" I said "hmmmm Diamond" he said. "Yes you heard correctly" I said with an attitude. "Ohhh so your a feisty one" he said with a smirk.
Jordan's POV
"Look that you for helping me and all but I'm gonna go and enjoy my evening and right now your wasting my time good night" she said walking away. I smiled. I couldn't help but look at her ass as she walked away. God damn she is fine there's something about her she doesn't seem like other girls I don't just wanna fuck her I wanna talk to her, if only I had her number.
Diamond's POV
Many many drinks later and we was stumbling around the place. The club was nearly empty and I wanted to go home. "Please can we go now I've had enough" I begged Teyanna whist holding on to her arm tightly. "Just a second" she said reaching into her purse looking for the car keys. "You can't drive y..you'll kill us" I said slurring and stuttering my words. "Then how the fuck are we getting home" said Teyanna. I turned around and everything got dizzy I let go of her arm and tripped and bumped into something hard. "Ow" I said I looked up and I saw him again. "Hey sexy you have pretty eyes" I said. He laughed and looked at me then Teyanna. "How are you girls getting home" he said. The next thing I remember is I was in the passenger seat of his car with Teyanna in the back. I had just woken up so I guess I passed out. He parked outside our house and Teyanna got out first I struggled a bit. Jordan came round and carried sideways out of the seat. I looked up at his face from underneath as he carried me across the road. Teyanna opened to door and knocked out on the couch. Jordan looked around to try and find my room then he finally did, it was obvious which one was mine I had the word Diamond in the middle of the wall in sparkling lights. He placed me on the bed gently and put the covers over me. "Goodnight Diamond" he whispered the left.
To be continued...

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