Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Diamond's POV Me and Angel just stood there looking at her and she looked at us. "Your Diamoon right" she said hiding a small smirk on her face. "Diamond" Angel said before I could. "Same thing look I need to talk to you about Jordan" she said then looked at Angel as if she wanted her to leave. "Speak she ain't going nowhere" I said crossing my arms. "Well I just wanted to tell you to forget about him because he has moved on to something better" she said smiling. "He may have moved on but it definitely wasn't something better" I said looking her up and down then linked arms with Angel and walked towards the door. "That's not what he said he said this pussy is way better" she said smirking then I paused. "Oh really well you definitely haven't been with him long and you already have it up to him and I had him for several months and we ain't do nothing" I said and walked past her. "No i I lied we ain't do anything" she said looking embarrassed. "Make up your made sweetie and anyways you can keep him I don't want him" i said then we left. We went back up to the vip section because I decided they wasn't going to ruin my day. As soon as we got up the Jordan came straight to me. "Hey can we talk" he said. "There's no need your girlfriend already has" I said then walked away from him. 3 weeks later My therapist said that I've recovered but I still need to visit her once in a while so she can check up on me. I was going out with Angel to celebrate I always thought that Jordan would be here with me when I recovered but I guess not. I got out the shower then sat at my makeup table and did my make up. I haven't talked seen Jordan since the club and I'm glad. I've started to get over him now and I've decided that my life is better without him.
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After I got dressed I went to meet Angel and some address that she sent me. It was a hall and it was pitch black. Why would Angel send me here. "Hello" I said. "Angel are you there" I called out. Suddenly the lights turned on and I saw a bunch of people "SUPRISE!" Everyone shouted. Angel ran over to me and squeezed me. I just had a shocked expression on my face. "W w w what" I said with my mouth open. "Do you like it" she said gesturing around the room. "Yes I do but why it's not even my birthday" I said confused. "Babe you overcame something terrible you are the strongest person I know you deserve the world but you haven't been given it yet you deserve 10 times more then this so enjoy it babygirl" she said. I felt tears coming down my eyes. "Shit you know I'm not emotional like this you making me soft" I said wiping my eyes. She giggled. "Angel you didn't have to do this" I said hugging her again. "Actually I didn't" she said nervously. "So wh-". "Diamond lil sis how you feeling" I heard pg say behind. "Hey pg I'm doing good thank you for coming" I said hugging him. "No problem come on you gotta say hi to everyone" he said pulling me away from Angel. After 15 minutes of saying hi to everyone I decided to sit down and take a break. I went to the back exit of the building and sat on a step. I took a sip of vodka and stared at my nails. I could smell a strong smell of weed and it seemed close. I looked to the left and then I saw him. Jordan was leaning against the wall smoking and staring into space.
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I quickly looked down not knowing what to do. My heart stopped when I saw him. I heard footsteps and I kept looking down. "Can I sit here" I heard him say behind me. I didn't answer "please" he said calmly. I still didn't answer he sighed and sat on the step next to me. "I know you don't want to talk to me so can you at least just listen" he said. "I said some fucked up shit that night I think about it everyday I think about you everyday I keep trying to find ways to say sorry but I don't know how but I am sorry so so sorry and I.... I... I love you Diamond and I need to in my life" he said. I froze for a second the looked up at him. "I was fucked up..... I was so fucked up mentally and you knew that and I thought you was going to stay with me I thought you was going to wait for me to get better BUT YOU DIDN'T you left me alone when I needed you the most you gave up on my and now you want to come back because I'm better" I said crying heavily. I saw Jordan's eyes water a little bit he blinked them away. "Diamond I.." he started. "No Jordan please leave me alone" I said standing up and going back inside. I actually enjoyed the rest of the night it really made me feel better about everything. I was dancing to Cardi b then I noticed a guy looking at me. "Hey what's up" he said coming over to me. "Hi" I said dryly. "My name is Omar" he said. He was wearing a white shirt, black jeans and a blue jacket.
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"Okay" I said dryly again. "You don't have to be like that Diamond" he said. "How do you know my name" I said crossing my arms. "One of my friends knows you" he said. "Which one" I asked. "Ummm pg" he said. I nodded and turned to walk away. "Wait hold up where you going" he said. "Somewhere else" I said. "Hold up can I get your number or something" he said smiling. "Urgh Okay give me your phone" I said putting my hand out. I put my number in his phone then went towards pg. "thank you so much for organising this for me you have no idea how much this meant to me" I said hugging him. "Errrr Di I didn't organise this" he said nervously. "Then who did" I said screwing up my face. "Jordan" To be continued....