"Ight lights out my nigga"
BANGOmar's body dropped to the floor covered in blood and Diamond stood behind him with her gun in her hands. She walked over to him and looked down at him. "BD...... is" Omar managed to say breathing heavily. "BD is what" Diamond said. Omar didn't reply his eyes just closed and he's breathing stopped. She sighed and turned to Jordan. "Are you okay" she said untying him. "Yeah are you" he said looking down at Omar then her. "Don't worry about me Okay" she said softly. She took out a tissue and wiped the blood of his face. "You need to go to the hospital" she said. Jordan shook his head. "They'll ask questions"he said. "Go to one here in Belmont" she said. He didn't answer. "Please" she said. He agreed and and they went in Diamond's car.
Jordan's POV
"How did you know I was here" I said looking at her as she drove. She had a serous look on her face looking straight at the road and nothing else. "I called pg and found out that he wasn't with you and because you wasn't picking up my calls I figured you was in trouble so I asked for the address and came here" she said. "Are you sure your okay" I asked again. "I'm fine" she said seriously. When we got to the hospital pg and Cey where already there. "Yo what you doing here" I asked them. They looked at me and there eyes widened. "Nigga What the fuck happened to you" Cey said. "Omar happened" I said. "Oh shit what happened did you fight him" pg said. "Nah he had me tied up and was finna shoot me and Diamond here came behind him and shot that nigga dead" I said putting my arm around Diamond and smiling. She still had a serious face. "That's my sis"pg said smiling at her. She didn't smile back it seemed like she wasn't even paying attention. "Diamond" I said. "Huh" she said snapping out of her thoughts. "You good" pg said looking concerned. "Yeah I'm fine" she said smiling but I knew it was fake. "So what you guys doing here" she said. "One of our niggas got shot" Cey said. "Oh shit who" I asked. "Jaiden" he said. "Is He Okay" I asked. "Yeah doctors say he's gonna be fine" he said. "Okay let's get you to a doctor before you faint" Diamond said pulling me away.
Later on that evening
"You ready to go" I said looking at Diamond. "Huh" she said snapping out of her thoughts again. "You ready to go" I said. "Err yeah" she said standing up. The doctors put a bandage on my head and gave me some medicine for the pain. We got back in the car and started driving. She hadn't said anything since we got in the car. "We're nearly home" I said looking at her quickly then back at the road. "Mmhmm". She was staring out the side window. "Are you okay you've been kinda out of it since you came" I asked. "I said I'm fine Jordan" she said quietly but she sounded frustrated. "Did shooting that nigga effect you" I said. "Jordan I don't care about Omar or that other nigga that I shot at his house Okay I'm just tired" she said getting annoyed. "What other nigga you shot two niggas" I said shocked. "Mmhmm". "Do you wanna see someone one about that"I asked referring to a therapist. "No Jordan I told you I don't care" she said honestly. I decided to leave it at that because I could tell she was getting annoyed. I parked outside the house she shared with Angel and looked at her. "Diamond" I said. She looked up at me. "Thank you" I said. "For what" she asked. "Saving my life" I said. "I was just returning the favour" she said smiling. "Nah but for real though it actually meant a lot to me I really thought I was gonna die I do some crazy life threatening shit but I ain't ever felt like that before.... so powerless and you saved me" I said honestly. "I'd save you any day" she said smiling. "Di i...." I started. "You what" she said. "I love you" I said finally. "I love you too" she said smiling but then she snapped out of it and went back to serious face. "Imma see you later" she said. She kissed me in the check and walked out the car.
Diamond's POV
I walked into the house knowing exactly what I was going to do. I saw Angel sitting on the couch watching tv she looked up when I walked in. I walked over to her and hugged her we was hugging for about 10 minutes saying nothing. "I'm so happy that your okay" Angel said as we broke the hug. "I'm going back" I said looking at her. "Huh what you mean you going back isn't everything over pg called and told me you shot Omar" she said looking confused. "It's not that" I said looking down. "Then What is it" she said. "I need to go back I need to find out what happened to my mom I've been pushing it off for years but I can't ignore it anymore" I said looking down. "What do you mean I thought you already knew what happened to her" she said softly. "All I know is that she got shot and she's dead I don't know who shot her or why and I keep finding these notes" I said. "What notes" she asked. I haven't told anyone about the notes not even Jordan. "At my old house I found a box of notes that my mom wrote to someone else they were about me then today at Omar's house I found another box with notes to my mother" I said. "From who" she said. "BD" I said. She gasped. "Why was my mom sending this BD guy notes about me and why is he after me I need to know and I know all the answers will be at the place that it started Belmont" I said. "I'm going back tomorrow morning" I said. "Well then I'm coming with you" she said. "What" I said shocked. "Look I My not be a thug or know how to shoot a gun but I'm not letting you go to Belmont by yourself with I bunch of niggas tryna kill you do I look like an idiot" she said. "How about work"I asked. "I'll take a week of" she said. "What if we're there for longer then a week" I said. "Then I'll take two weeks of shit I'll quit my job but your not going out there by yourself" she said. "Okay okay" I said. For a moment there was silence"How about Jordan" she said breaking the silence.
Jordan's POV
I was just got out the shower and I heard the something at the door. I went to it and opened it and I saw Diamond standing at the door. "Yo what's up what you doing there" I said letting her in and closing the door behind her. "Look imma cut straight to the point because we already wasted so much time" she said standing in front of me. "Ight what's up" I said. "Let's stop playing around if we really love eachother we should be together I'm tired of this shit the old me that would not settle I just want to be with you know it's clear because when I tried shit with someone else I got lead back to you so if you want to be with me then let's be together" she said. I stood there shocked I never thought those words would come out of her mouth. "Yes I do" I said smirking. "Now you don't have to look at me like that" she said giggling. I hugged her and we stood there for a minute. Then she looked up at me and kissed me. I kissed her back and as we kissed I picked her up. She wrapped her legs and arms around me then started sucking on my neck. I walked us to my room and I gently placed her on the bed. I laid in between her legs and we kissed again this time more passionately. I half unzipped her hoodie and she didn't stop me so I started to kiss on her neck going lower and lower til I got to her breasts I sucked on each one then went back to her lips. I could feel myself getting harder and tried to lean a bit of her but she pushed me into her. "What are you doing" I whispered. "Jordan I want you" she said. I looked at her for a second. "Are you sure" I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. I took of her hoodie completely and she started to take of my shirt. We kept on undressing eachother until I was in my boxers and she was in her underwear. I gently took of her thong and we made love
To be continued..
Shit this was really awkward for me to write I couldn't go into too much detail about you know but hope you enjoyed this chapter and are happy that Jordan is alive🥳🥳

Princess THUG
Genç KurguDiamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...