Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Angels POV I was at a drive thru but the line was to long so I parked and went inside. I heard a bunch of guys walk in behind me. "Angel is that you" I heard a male voice say. I turned around and saw my old friend Tray.
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"Omg heyyy" I screamed and ran to him hugging him. "Yo what are you doing in Belmont A" he said looking at me with a smile. "I'm just here with a friend how about you" I said. "Oh me and a couple of my people moved out here a couple years back" he said. "Even Miya have you seen her recently" he asked as we moved up in the line. Miya was my old friend are friendship kind of just faded. "Nah is she okay though" I asked. "Yeah matter of fact me and my homeboys are about to go and meet up with her and a couple others why don't you come with us" he said. "Umm I don't know I should really be headed back to my hotel my friend is probably wondering where I am" I said then I ordered my food. "Come on man send her a text or something we got to catch up" he said looking at me and smiling. Me and Tray used to talk but then things didn't work out but I always thought that he was fine. "Oh okay I'm sure she'll be fine she's probably sleeping" I said. Diamond's POV I woke up 4 hours later. It was dark outside and I was laying in a pile of notes. I took my phone and saw the time was 9:45pm. "Angel" I called out. The hotel room was big but it was small enough for her to hear me call. When I didn't hear a response I looked around and realised she wasn't here. I looked at my phone screen and saw that I had messages. Jordan❤️ Hey baby I hope you okay. My boys are forcing me to go to a strip club don't worry I won't have too much fun without you. I love you and I'll talk to you later -sent at 7:01pm
Angel 😇 Don't look for me I'm out with an old friend I ran into I won't be back too late stay safe xx -sent at 8:00pm
I sighed. I guess I'm spending the night alone.
Jordan's POV
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I sat in the back of the club and smoked weed. Cey has gone off to the back with some girl and pg was getting danced on near the stage. "Hey handsome what you doing here by yourself" I heard I voice say. I looked up at saw a thick lightskin girl standing in front of me.
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"My name is Daysha what's yours papi" she said sitting down next to me. "Jordan" I said looking down. "So Jordan what you doing by yourself" she said. "Not my scene" I said not looking at her. "Not your scene huh come on this is everyone's scene" she said giggling. I didn't say anything. "You just need to get in the mood do you want a dance" she asked. "Nah I'm good" I said still not looking at her but looking into my drink instead. "Come on you know you want to" she said standing in front of me and lifting me head to look at her. I shook my head and looked away. She turned around to show her ass then turned back around. "Come on papi" she said smiling. "I can't" I said trying not to look at her but failing. "Ooohhhh I see you got a girlfriend huh" she said standing in the gap between my legs. "Yes" I said looking to the side. "Well I don't see her here" she said looking around. "Why do girls always say that" I said shaking my head. "Because it's true... where is she at home?" She said looking at me with lustful eyes. "She went on holiday" I said blowing out smoke. "Oohhh So she's getting dick somewhere else huh" she said smiling. "Nah She's not that type" I said shaking my head. "Trust me imma girl you don't need to be that type to get some dick anymore boyfriend or not" she said. I didn't reply. "So does this girlfriend of yours know your here" she said sitting on my lap. "Yes she does can you get off me please" I said gently trying to push her off. "So she's expecting you to get at least a couple dances that's what a strip club is for" she whispered into my ear whilst stoking my face. Before I knew it she turned around and started dancing on me. After about three songs she started to get a bit too touchy. She crouched down and put her hands on my lap too close to my dick. She leaned in putting her breasts near my face and whispered in my ear. "Come on let's get out of here" she said. "Nah man I can't" I said. When I spoke I realised that I was drunk. "Come one baby lets go" she said grabbing my hand. "Your girlfriend doesn't need to know anything" she whispered. "Nah nah nah I can't" I said moving her hand. "Urgh okay well at least give me your number" she said standing up. "I don't think I can do that either" I said shaking my head. "I'm not gonna let you go until you do" she said crossing her arms with a little smirk on her face. "Fine" I said putting my hand for her phone. She passed it to me and sat on my lap straddling me whilst I typed my number in. I passed her phone back and pushed her off me. "Okay no need to be aggressive........ but then again I like it like that" she said smirking. "Bye Daysha" I said shaking my head and walking away. I went outside and saw pg standing by the car smoking a joint. "What you doing out here I thought you were getting a dance" I said leaning on the car. "I did but I came outside for some air........... I was bout to call you but you seemed occupied" he said looking at me. "Ah man it wasn't even like that she just gave me a couple dances that's all" I said. "So if Diamond was dancing on a nigga like that it would be fine" he said looking at me with a straight face. "Ummm Nah" I said looking down at the floor. "So why tf would you do it look you my bro and all but I knew Diamond way before I knew you she like my lil sis and I can't have you messing around and hurting her feelings she don't deserve that again" he said seriously. "I know man I'm sorry I mean I told her to stop but she was so persistent and I'm still not used to the fact that me and Diamond are actually official" I said shaking my head feeling guilty. "Well man I'm not that the one you should be apologising to and you better start getting used to it" he said. Cey came out of the building and walked towards us. "Y'all ready to go" he said fixing his shirt. I nodded and went in the car. Then I looked at my phone and saw a message from Diamond Diamond💍 Okay baby have fun I miss you and I love you so much❤️❤️ -sent at 9:46pm Then I felt really bad because I knew that I fucked up. To be continued....