Unexpected visit

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Jordan's POV
"Hi" she said quietly. "It's Jordan". "Okay" she said. "What happened why are you so quiet" I asked. "C.. can you just come over please" she said nervously. "I'm coming right now hold on". I rushed out my house into my car and drove to her house I remembered where she lived from the day that I dropped her to her house. I was speeding I don't know why I was so worried but I was and I had to get there fast. When I arrived I got out the car fast and knocked on the door. After a moment she opened the door and walked to the couch and sat on it. She looked down and didn't say anything. I closed the door and sat down next to her. "What happened" I asked her. "I let her go I'm such an idiot" she whispered. "Let who go" I asked her. "Teyanna" she replied. I realised that she wasn't going to tell exactly what happened but she needed someone to listen so I was gonna do just that. "It's just that I remembered things from a very dark time in me life that I never wanna go back to and she knew that I was going back to that place but she didn't try and stop it and so I let her go I know it's dangerous but I had to but now I need to get her back" she said I put my arm around her she hasn't looked at me since I got here but it's ok. Then there was a heavy knock at the door. And out of nowhere she jumped and look out a pink gun from her bag and stood up.
Diamond's POV
I stood next to the door and looked through the peephole it was just a mailman. I put the gun away and opened the door. After I took the package I closed the door. When I turned around Jordan was standing staring at me looking concerned. "What" I said. "What the fuck just happened" he asked. "What do you mean" I said acting like nothing happened. "You just pulled out a gun for no reason". "You can never be too careful...... anyways thanks for coming but you can go now I was just being silly and chatting rubbish" I said looking away. I walked Into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and a cup. I heard him walk in behind. "Don't you get it Diamond I care about you why would I have come if I didn't care about you I was so scared I thought you was in danger and I come here and you try and push me away again... I've realised that you've probably gone through some crazy traumatic shit in the past and you probably don't trust me to tell me those things but I'm not leaving until you do trust me" he put his hand on my waist and I flinched I was still facing away from him. He paused for a second then put his other hand on my waist I flinched again. Then he whispered in my ear "I'm not gonna hurt you you don't need to be scared of me" then he turned me around and started to lean in then I said "my mom died when I was 9 years old" he paused and looked into my eyes. I felt them start to water so I closed them. "She had a boyfriend and they got into an argument she told him to leave and his did then in the morning him and his friends started shooting at the house and said that if my mum came out they wouldn't hurt me so she did and they killed her and they got away with it the police still hasn't caught them they don't even know who else was involved" I said with my eyes still closed.
Jordan's POV
My heart hurts for her I had no idea that she went through this that's why she's so uptight and defensive. She's been hurt and I wasn't gonna let her get hurt again. I grabbed her face and kissed her she slightly pushed me away so I stopped then she kissed me. I lifted her onto the counter and continued to kiss her.
Diamond's POV
I shouldn't be doing this but I wanted to I felt safe with him I felt with and I felt like he want going to hurt me. I wasn't ready for things to escalate but I didn't want to kick him out so I stopped kissing him and hugged him. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you" he said whilst we hugged. I smiled.
The next morning
I found myself in my bed so I guess I fell asleep I looked up and I saw Jordan sleeping in a chair he looked uncomfortable but still peaceful. I got up and got in the shower. Whist I was in the shower I heard someone come in. "Don't worry my eyes are closed" Jordan said. "Imma got home but do you wanna chill later on" he said. "Yeah sure where?" I asked. "Meet me at the movies at 8 Ight" "ok" I said. "Imma see you later" he said then left.
7 hours later
Earlier on today I had got my hair done. I wore a blue bodysuit and park pink jeans with blue puma shoes I got my nails done in yellow and put some lashes on.

 I wore a blue bodysuit and park pink jeans with blue puma shoes I got my nails done in yellow and put some lashes on

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Diamond's outfit^
I got in my car and made my way to the movie theatre.
Jordan's POV
I was just about ready to leave then I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and I saw Brittany my ex and the door.
To be continued....

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