Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Diamond's POV The last thing I heard was two gun shots. I woke up and I was laying in a hospital bed. The room was empty I didn't hear no machines on me. And for some reason I didn't feel any pain. I saw Jordan come in the room with a bag of McDonald's. He sat down in a chair next to me and started to open the bag. Did he not notice. I coughed loudly so that he would look at me and he did. "Oh your up" he said calmly biting into his burger then putting it back in the box. "Are you okay"he asked looking at me. "What's going on? Did I get shot?" I asked quietly. I felt so weak and my head was banging but apart from that I felt nothing. "No you didn't you fainted the doctors said it's caused trauma and being overwhelmed" he said holing onto my hand. I looked into his eyes deeply. He was hiding something from me but I didn't know what. Jordan's POV I felt so bad I was trying hard not to breakdown. The doctors said that she has forgotten what has happened over the last hours because of how traumatic it was. They said that she will slowly start to remember bits and pieces of what happened but I shouldn't say anything and I should act normal or she might have a mental breakdown. They also said the she should see a therapist so that she could get diagnosed if she needed to. I felt like crying because although she's alive I still feel like I didn't save her. Seeing how she was in the last couple hours that wasn't the Diamond I knew she was broken and I felt responsible. She stared at my like she knew I had something on my mind. "Sorry I'm just still in shock I'm so happy that your here and healthy"I half lied whilst hugging her. I kissed her repeatedly and she started giggling. "You missed me that much huh"she said laughing. "Mmm" I said with a fake smile. I was enjoy the moments that she was gonna be like this before stuff started changing. The next day She spent another night at the hospital so that they could run more tests on her because she hit her head when she fainted. Then she got discharged in the morning. We was in the car in silence. "I think we should go to my house and you can stay there for a bit" I said because I was too scared to bring her back to her house. "Why" she said crossing her arms looking at me. "Because it's not safe there" I half lied. "Hmmm Okay" she said looking at me intensely. Diamond was a very smart girl I knew that in her head she was putting things together and that scared me I didn't to distract her from her thoughts as much as I could. We got to my penthouse looking apartment even though it was an apartment it was still very big.
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She got in and sat down on the couch. "What's wrong" I asked closing the door. Diamond's POV I wasn't an idiot I still remembered some things okay just one thing. Teyanna betrayed me in the worst way possible. Out of all the ways she could hurt me she chose this one. I sat on the couch and looked down. I felt a whole in my chest I didn't like the feeling at all. After I didn't reply to him he sat next to me and hugged me. Then I broke down crying into his chest. 2 hours later I showered and got ready because I decided to go out to a club with an old friend Angel because right now she is the only thing I've got. I haven't seen her in forever it feels like but I need to get out I hope she hasn't changed too much. I wore a black zip up romper and my black and white Jordan's.
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I texted Angel and told her I was bout to leave and pick her up. Jordan was going out to but not to a club to a hookah lounge with his boys. I went downstairs and saw Jordan sitting on the couch on his phone. "I'm leaving now" I said kissing him. "Mmmm stay for a bit" he said kissing on my neck. "I can't my friend it waiting on me and plus you have places to go it will be good for you to get out of here" I said detaching him from me. "Imma see you later okay" I said laughing. "Make sure you text me Ight" he said as I got out the door.
I pulled up to her address and texted her that I was outside. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I didn't really know if we was going to get on the same or if she had changed. I was her come out her house and look for my car. She spotted it and walked towards me smiling. She was wearing a neon yellow dress and vans.
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"Hey babe" she said getting into the passenger seat and hugged me. "Hey how you been" i asked. "I been good" she said. "Look I wanna have a good time tonight so I just want to get this of my chest real quick" she said. "What Teyanna did to you was so fucked up and i know your probably feeling a lot of things right now but I just want to tell you that your not alone there are a lot of people that love and care for you and I'm one of them no matter how much time we've spent apart" she honestly said. Even though it wasn't much what she said really made me feel a bit better and I started to feel more comfortable around her. "Thank you so much you have no idea how much I loved to hear that" I said hugging her again then I started driving. Can she trust Angel? Is she really gonna be okay? To be continued