Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Diamond's POV I was on my way back home. Jordan said that I had to go back to act like everything was normal and I didn't know anything and also to keep an eye on things back home. I texted Omar back and told him my phone was in my car overnight and he told me to come over. I had Jordan's car do I went home first to change cars then I went to Omar's house. I knocked on his apartment door and he quickly opened it. "Hey Di whats up I feel like I haven't seen you in a long time" he said hugging me. I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. "Haha I saw you yesterday" I said walking into his apartment. "Yeah I know but I be missing you" he said and I didn't answer. "You want something to drink" he said. "Nah I'm good" I said sitting down on his couch and going on my phone."Ight But uh look" he said sitting next to me. "Imma need you to chill out here whilst I go run some errands" he said. I looked up at him. "Where you going" I said. "Just around different places but I need you to stay here ight" he said. "This is not my house I can go to my own house" I said crossing my arms I knew exactly what he was doing. "Yeah but I think you'd be safer here just promise me you'll stay here" he said. "Okay but don't keep me here all day" I said looking down at my phone. "Ight thank you imma see you later" he said. He kissed me on the cheek and left. A waited until I saw his car drive away then I texted Jordan. Me Omar just left -sent at 1:03pm Jordan's POV Pg and Cey met me at the factory so I had to tell them about it. I locked up and got in pg's car. "Sup my nigga" Cey said as I came in and we did our handshake. And I just said hi to pg because he was driving. "I can't believe this nigga man after all these years he wants to be switching sides and shit" pg said. "I know nigga and nor he wants to be bringing Diamond in this shit man" I said as I texted Diamond back. Me Ight I'm with pg and Cey now stay safe -sent at 1:06pm "I swear Diamond is like my little sister if he hurts her I'm torturing that nigga before he dies" pg said. "So you know who this BD nigga is" I asked cey. "Nah but I got an address in Belmont that people have been saying the seen Omar come to a bunch of times maybe that's where BD stay at" he said. "Is that where we going now" I asked. "Yeah" pg said. Diamond's POV After about 30 minutes I decided to look around his apartment I had only ever been downstairs I've never gone upstairs. I walked up the stairs looking at the pictures he had hang up everywhere then I walked into his room. The room wasn't too messy and the closet door was open. I walked in the closet and saw a cardboard box right by the door. I sat down next to it and opened it. There was a bunch of pieces of paper in there. I picked up one and read it. 'June 26th 2005 Now you know why I used to hit her send my a picture of her I want to see what she looks like now BD' "What the fuck" I said. This was the other side of my moms notes. Why was my mom sending notes to BD and who the fuck is he. I opened my bag and stuffed it with the notes from the box then I left the room. I was going to find out what these notes meant but now wasn't the right time. Omar's POV I was driving to Belmont BD sent people to follow pg and he found out Jordan has a factory is Belmont. BD sent me and some others to go and raid his factory. If we sold all the stuff in there we could be rich. I thought about Diamond I hope she wasn't catching on. I know her and Jordan are still friends but I hope she doesn't get too mad when she finds out he's dead. Oh shit I realised that I left a box of notes in the closet if she goes there and reads them she's going to have a lot of questions that I don't have answers too. I have no idea who BD is so I wanted to go some research. BD would always send me to some abandoned house in Belmont to get shit for him and one day I found that box. I've been trying to put pieces together to try and find out who he is. And so far I know that there is an ugly story behind this that involves Diamond and she can't find those notes. I called my friend max and told him to swing by my crib sneak in and take the box to his crib til I got there. Max is a friend that I do business with and he wants the same things I do so I know I can trust him max has killed for me multiple time too. Jordan's POV We was still driving around. I sent some of my people to the factory when I left just to keep watch and they've been sending me updates saying that everything was cool. "We nearly there" I asked. "Yuh in about 5- 10 minutes" he said. My phone started ringing so I answered it "Yo is everything good" I said. It was one of the people that was at the factory. "Nah bro a bunch of niggas came here and started shooting niggas man it's like a war zone out here man" he whispered. "SHIT where are you" I asked. "I'm inside no niggas have come inside yet you need to come here quick man we all gonna die" he said sounding scared. "What happened" Cey said turning spurn to look at me. "They are raiding the factory man" I said putting my head in my hands. "Shit" pg said as he parked the car on the side of the road. "Ight you take this car my car is parked around her somewhere me and pg will go there and sort shit out whilst you go to the house" Cey said. "Ight text me tho" I said getting out the car and going to the drivers seat. "Okay stay safe my nigga we will be there as soon as we're done" pg said then they ran down the road towards Cey's car. I started to have a weird feeling in my stomach now. I just wanted to get this shit over with. I started speeding to the address following the GPS. Diamond's POV I heard someone come in downstairs. I knew that it wasn't Omar because there's no way he could be back so fast. I took a deep breath then went into his bathroom and closed the door but leaving a little space so that I could see. After a few minutes the person came inside his bedroom. He was a tall skinny black man I could see a gun at his waist over his shirt. He walked towards the closet and picked up the box. Who is this and what the fuck is he doing. He stood there looking at the box I knew he could tell something was missing. Is this BD? I had to think fast. He had his back facing me so I opened the door quickly so that it didn't make i noice. I tip toed behind him and took out my gun and pointed it towards me. He still hadn't noticed I was there. I counted to three in my head then grabbed his gun from the waist of his jeans and pointed both guns at him. I turned around slowly and put his hands up. "Hey chill I'm not gonna hurt you" he said with his hands up. "Who the fuck are you"I said putting my gun in my jeans put still pointed his gun at him. "I'm Omar's friend just chill and give me the gun" he said reaching his hand out towards me. I pointed to gun at the wall and shot it to see if his gun was really working. "Don't fucking move" I shouted. "What you finna do shoot me" he said laughing. "Yes the fuck I am" I said. BANG I shot him in the leg. He screamed out in pain then dropped to the ground and held onto his leg. "What's your name and what are you doing here" I said pointing the gun at him still. "Ah please my name is Max Omar sent me here to get a that box please do-" BANG I shot him again and this time he fell back. I dropped his gun next to his body then left the building. I kept trying to call Jordan but he wasn't answering Damn I hope he's okay. Jordan's POV I pulled up to the building. The area was quiet I didn't say a single person walk down the street. I walked up the door and pushed it because it was open. I took a out my gun and pointed it in front of me just in case. The place looked like it was set on fire years ago but didn't completely burn out. I heard footsteps then I stopped. I decided not to say anything so I stood there in silence and looked around. Then I felt a huge knock on the back of me head and I dropped to the ground. Omar's POV I knew these niggas knew something. The raid at the factory was a cover up I knew Jordan would be alone if he knew his place was getting wiped out. He probably thought that I was there at his factory but I wasn't. I went to the abandoned house and saw pg's car parked outside. When I walked in his back was facing me so I knocked him out. I grabbed his gun put it at my waist then tied him up to a chair. I sat in front of his a smoked until he woke up. "Ahh" he said opening his eyes. There was blood ruing down his face from when he feel on the floor face first. I laughed. He looked up at me. "Hello bitch did you have a nice sleep" I said laughing. "Man why you doing this I thought we was bros" he said. "Shit so did I but you proved me wrong" I said smoking. "You see you think you the big dawg round here always giving niggas commands making them kill for you but you never kill for them. You think your the shit because you have niggas to snap your fingers at but you wrong" I said. "What you mean I always been giving you shit" he said. "Not enough nigga my whole life I watched you get everything you wanted even the girl but guess what she at my crib nigga she mines now you thought I really cared about your relationship all the advice was to get her to come to me" I said smiling. He just sat there and looked at me. "Got any last words" I said standing up and pointing my gun at his head. "Please don't hurt Diamond that's all I ask" he said and hang his head low. "Ight lights out my nigga" BANG BANG BANG To be continued
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