I got up and got my gun and put it at my hip and put my top over it. I took my knife and taser and put it in my bag. I started to rush around the hotel room packing our stuff and Angel did the same whilst Miya just sat there looking at the floor. I stopped for a second and looked at her. She lifted her head slowly with tears in her eyes. "There here" she said. "What do you me-" I started then there was a loud BANG on the door. "What TF did you do" I said whispering. "I didn't do anything they don't know I'm here when they see me they'll kill me too" she said crying and sniffing loudly. "Aye shut up. Wipe your fucking tears. Take this. And stay behind the door" I said passing her a taser and knife. She nodded and did as I said. "Angel stand in the back where they can't see you and point your gun always point your gun make sure it's ready" I said. "What about you" she said worried. "I'm what he wants don't worry about me" I said. "No Diamond" she said crying. "It's okay everything will be okay" I said hugging her not sure myself. She nodded and went to the back. I stood in front of the door waiting for them the break it down.
The door broke open and I stood still. "She's here" one of the men said. "Leave me with her" said a tall skinny black man. They left and he entered and closed the door. He didn't notice Miya and she snuck into the closet. He had the gun pointed at my head and I put my hands up. "Well well we'll it's finally nice to put the name to the face but damn BD didn't tell me how fine and thick you was" he said looking at me with creepy lustful eyes. "Your not BD?"I said. "Hahaha BD never goes out and does his own work he wants to with you though so I'm gonna bring you too him" he said. I remained silent waiting for the perfect moment. He walked towards me and patted me down he felt my gun and took it. "You thought you was slick huh" he said kicking it to the other side of the room. "Turn around" he said. I stood staring at him blankly. "I said TURN AROUND" he shouted and I did as he said. He grabbed both my arms and I felt him tying them together.
The mans POV
I stared at her ass I licked my lips. I put my hand on her waist and started to pull down her jeans. "What the fuck are you doing" she said trying to turn around but I had a tight grip on her. "Shut up before I have to put tape on your mouth too" I said. I looked at her on her panties and started to get hard but not hard enough I took of my trousers and boxers and turned her around. She looked at me and looked down at my dick she didn't seem impressed she only looked disgusted but I didn't care. "Get on your knees and suck my dick" I said pushing her head down. She was resisting so I used more force. I put the gun against her forehead. "Don't make me repeat myself" I said looking her dead in the eyes. She lowly went down onto her knees but looked away from my dick. I pushed her head towards it but she pushed back. "Why are you so fucking stubborn" I yelled and smacked her across the face. "Don't put your heads on me" she said bravely and quite loudly. Then I heard a noice coming from the back. I paused and looked around.
Diamond's Pov
When he looked up I stood up quickly and kicked him hardly in the face. He started stumbling backwards and pointed his gun at me. Then Angel came out and shot at him twice. His body dropped to the ground and Angel ran over to me and untied me. Miya was still in there and she hadn't come back out. I hugged Angel tightly and started crying. Not because I was scared. Not because I was about to be raped. But because I was tired of living a life like this I just wanted to live a normal life and not have to worry about getting shot on the road. My life has been hard since birth and I still hadn't had a break. My face was buried in Angels shoulder then I saw the man stand up.
I looked up and saw Miya standing behind his lifeless body holding my gun. She stood the staring at him then looked at us. "Guys I'm sooo ducking sorry" she said walking up to us crying heavily and shaking. "It's okay I'm the one that sorry for bringing you all into this mess" I said opening my arms so that Miya could join in our hug. We stood there for what felt like ages because we knew what was waiting for us outside and didn't want to face it.
Jordan's POV
I've been trying to call Diamond since I got back from the club that other night but she hasn't replied or even texted me.I even tried Angel too. I was really worried and had a bad feeling in my stomach. I went through are old messages and saw the name of the hotel she said she was staying at. I searched the number and called it it rang a couple times but then the receptionist picked up. "Queen hotel how can I help you" she said. "Hi I've been trying to call my girlfriend but she hasn't been picking up and I'm worried she's staying at your hotel" I said. "Okay whats her name please" she said. "Diamond Jones" I said. "Okay just a second please" she said and I heard typing. "There is currently no name under the name Diamond Jones sir" she said. "What Er try Angel I'm not sure of the last name that's the friend she went with" I said. "Okay no problem sir" she said and started typing again. "I'm sorry sir but there is no record of anyone named Angel that had stayed at this hotel. "Umm Okay thanks" I said and hang up the phone. I paused for second. Where the hell is she?
To be continued..
Check out my other story 'loving a thug'

Princess THUG
Teen FictionDiamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...