Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Jordan's POV I got into my car and started speeding I didn't know where I was going but I just needed to clear my head. How can she do this to me like she hadn't hurt me enough in the past. Then I found myself pulling up to her house I don't know why. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds the door opened. Diamond was wearing a crop top that said strive and matching shorts
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Diamond's outfit ^ She looked at me and opened the door wider so I could come in. "Where's Teyanna" I asked quietly. "She's at work ...... what's wrong" she said as she sat down next to me on the edge of her bed in the room. I put my head on my hands. I could feel her hand on my back as she looked at him. "Brittany's not pregnant" I said into my hands. "Omg what happened did she have a miscarriage" she said shocked. "She was never pregnant she lied about the whole thing to get me to come back to her"I said getting angry as i thought about it. There was silence I wasn't looking at her but I could tell she was shocked. "I'm so fucking dumb" I shouted. "Hey hold up" she said as she put her hand on my face and turned me to look at her. "Your not dumb she is you wanna know why because she had you and then she lost you and now she's gonna regret it" she said stroking the side of my face. " I just I started to want that baby I thought that if my child was doing good then I was doing something right for a change" I said then a tear drop rolled down my face and I never cry even when my dad died. "I know baby but it's a blessing in disguise" she said wiping the tear from my face with her thumb. We stared at eachother for a moment then I kissed her I couldn't help myself. She pulled away "I'm sorr-" I started but then she kissed me. I put my hands on her waist and lifted her onto my lap so that she was straddling me as we continued to kiss. She wrapped her hand around my neck pulling me closer. I put my hand on her butt and kissed her neck. She flinched. "Stop" she said quietly I continued to kiss her neck. "STOP" she shouted getting of me. "What happened" I said looking at her. She was shaking and breathing heavily. "I - I can't I'm sorry" she said and started crying. "Wha-" I said but she got up and went to the bathroom. She was in there for a while I didn't know if I should leave or stay. I walked toward the bathroom door and tapped it lightly. "Do you want me to stay or leave" I said I could hear her crying. "Stay" she said softly she then opened the door. She stood in front of me her eyes all puffy and red. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me and I don't think I'm ready to tell you everything" she said sniffing. "It's okay" I said as I turned around. It kinda hurt that she couldn't trust me when I told her about Brittany but I get it. "I was raped" she said. I stopped and turned around. "Huh" I said. "By my ex and his brother" she said and started crying. "Three years ago and I haven't let a boy touch my since then" she said. "I know your different but I'm just not ready for a relationship" she said and quickly wiped her tears. "Fuck I hate crying" she said. I grabbed her and hugged her. "It's okay to cry" I said and I kissed the top of her head. To be continued....