Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Teyanna's POV "When I first arrived everything was fine and he was treating me right and I thought he really had changed but then he started to hit me again when he was mad. One day he forced me to give him head and smashed a beer bottle over my head and left me to bleed. Then next day he got his doctor friend to fix me up so that I could continue to to cook and clean for him. He got connections everywhere that's why I was so scared to leave earlier. I had so many chances to leave but I was too scared I tried to one time but I got to scared and ran back home. The night before I left he said I was useless and he was gonna shoot me then he took all my clothes and sold them. I don't want to go into the details of what he done to me" i said in tears. Diamond came over to me and hugged me. " you need to go to the hospital and get checked out God know what kind of damage he could have done to you" She said still holding me. " I can't what if I run into one of his boys he knows people everywhere" she said. Diamond's POV I can't believe he did this to my bestfriend. I promise that I will get him and make him pay for what he did to her. The next day There was a loud bang at the door. I woke up and checked the time. It was 8.30 am. What the fuck who is that. I got up and went towards the door. "Please open the door it's Jordan" I heard. Shit it's been a while since I heard his voice. "What do you want" I shouted still not opening the door. "We need to talk and you ain't picking up my calls" he said. "No shit" I said. "Please Diamond" Jordan's POV I heard the door unlock and then I saw her standing at the door. You could tell she just woke up she was wearing those black shorts with the line on the side that every girl be having and a white tank top. She opened the door wider so that I could come in. She looked real mad I couldn't even get a single smile from her. I walked in and sat down she didn't sit she just stood in front of me and crossed her arms. "You got 3 minutes" she said. "Damn I can't even get 5" I said trying to make her laugh I didn't even get a smile. "Ight so I was bout to leave to meet you at the movies but then I heard a knock at the door and it was my ex and..". "is that supposed to make me feel better" she said interrupting me. "Let me finish I hate her so much she cheated on my multiple times when we were together and stole money from me well anyways when she came I saw she was pregnant and she said it was mine I didn't believe her so we went to the hospital and I found out it was mine and...". "Stop" she said interrupting me again. "I get it I should of answered your calls and heard you out" she said sitting next to me. I smiled. "But since then I've been thinking and I'm happy you didn't come I didn't do relationships before and I'm not gonna do them again but I'm happy to be friends with you" she said. I grabbed her hand and looked at her and she looked up at me for a moment then she pulled her hand away. Diamond's POV 3 weeks later Things have been alright me and Jordan have got really close but as friends and he gets along with Teyanna too. He comes over nearly all the time. I've been researching Dequan I'm going to find him soon. "We should go out this weekend" said Jordan to me and Tey. Tey looked down she hasn't left the house since she came. Teyanna had told him about her situation but not in as much detail. "Come on Tey imma be with you the whole time I'll protect you" he said holding her hand she smiled at him.That made me feel weird I don't know why. I coughed. "Okay we're going out let's go to a restaurant and eat some good food how about steak" I said. "Okay fine" said Teyanna. Later on that evening we got dressed and ready. Teyanna wore a white long sleeve bodysuit that said babe on it and some blue jeans with big rips in it. She had on big hoop earrings and big black glasses with sliders on.
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Teyanna's outfit^ Diamond wore a pink of the should crop top with a zip in the middle and some bright blue jeans. She also had big hoop earrings and pink snake print Jordans
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Diamond's outfit^ Jordan knocked at the door of the room they was getting ready in. "Yall ready" he said. Jordan was wearing a black t shirt with white writing on it and black Nike joggers.
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Jordan's outfit Jordan's POV Tey opened the door and I saw Diamond spraying perfume at the back she looked so beautiful even though she wasn't trying. I know she said that she didn't like me like that so I had to get over her. "Ight let's go" Diamond said walking towards the door. "You look nice" I said looking at her outfit fully. She spun around smiling. We pulled up to an Italian restaurant it was Teyanna's favourite. She had a big smile on her face as we walked in. I looked at her she was very pretty but I just never looked at her in that way. She was so close to Diamond that I never even looked twice at her. We got a table for three at sat down me and Teyanna sat next eachother and Diamond opposite. I looked at her as she looked down at the menu she was really concentrated. I laughed. "What's so funny" she said looking up at me. "You love food huh" I said laughing. "Duh" she replied licking her lips. We got are food and began eating. I heard the door swing open and I looked up. Shit. To be continued * sorry if there are any spelling mistakes