I sat in the room alone and calmed myself down. I seemed like I was in there for hours but I needed it. I can't believe that my life was even more complicated then I thought and there was more to the story. I knew why he was telling me all of this. I knew I was going to die I didn't really have a plan there was no way I could escape it. I thought about Jordan heavily in those hours. I missed him so much and I just wanted to see his face again or hear his voice. I wish he was hear with me but I'm happy he isn't because at least he will get to live even though I won't. At the moment BD walked back in. "Are you ready to hear the rest" he said. I didn't answer or even look at him. "Okay let's get back into it" he said. "After that night I thought I could come back and get you afterwards but it was too late as you know the police came and you got put in care and Teyanna's parents adopted you" he said. Hearing her name sent shivers down my spine. Her parents did adopt me so legally I was there's but I never felt like it I only felt like I was at a really long sleepover at her house. Teyanna's mom and my mom were very close I even called her Auntie so when she adopted me and told people I was her daughter I felt uncomfortable because the memory of my mother was still there and it didn't go away. When we was old enough we moved out and got a house together and her parents stayed in Chicago where they lived. After what happened with Teyanna I stopped visiting them I couldn't look at the after what happened.
"Anyways we'll get onto that later" he said. "Now as you know I had a girlfriend and a son that I loved very deeply. He was about your age too. But since I didn't have you he was like my only child." He said. "Okay so why do you want to kill me I didn't do anything too you" I said hoping he would change his mind but of course he didn't. "Hold on we'll get onto that" he said."My son grew up and went to live in the bronx" he said. "Hold up the bronx as in were I lived after I moved out from Chicago" I said. "Yeah coincidence isn't it" he said. "I hadn't heard from him in a while but when I did he told me he had a girlfriend and I was happy for him but I knew my son and I knew that he wasn't serious about her and be was maybe taking in his fathers footsteps which he was" he said. I just sat there listening thinking what the fuck does this have to do with me. "He was beating on his women and mistreating her but of course I couldn't tell him to stop because I did the same." He said. "Hold on" I said as a flashback came Into my head.
Flashback night before mother's death
My mom had gone to work and her boyfriend was looking after me. I was in my room and he was in the living room. He banged open the door to my room and suddenly the room was filled with the smell of alcohol. I looked at him in fear from under my blanket. He ripped the covers of me and started unbuckling his belt, then he took of his jeans and boxers. He grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me to the edge of the bed where he was. Tears ran down my face "please don't do this please" I begged him trying to release myself from him. He grabbed his belt and hit me with it "shut up" he said. He pulled of my panties and began raping me. Every time I screamed he hit my with the belt. The belt hit my eye and I knew it was going to turn black. When he was done he beat me a couple more times with his belt then left. I cried my eyes out and looked down at my beaten and bloody body. I felt so disgusting like a toy I was used. I put my close back on and cried into my pillow I couldn't stop shaking.
Flashback ends
"If you were the boyfriend that means..".
"Yes I was the one that raped you" he said shaking his head. My body started shaking and I started crying heavily again having another panic attack. "It's not someone I'm proud of but I was drunk and your mother was taking so much time to get home" he said. "She didn't know I was in the house she had left you with a babysitter but when I got there I said I was your father and she left that's another reason why we argued that night" he said. "I looked at him with so much disgust and hate. If I die tonight I hope that someone else kills this man.
To be continued...
Sorry for the short chapter I wanted to prepare for the next chapter because it will be long x
Check out my other story 'loving a thug'

Princess THUG
Teen FictionDiamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...