Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Diamond's POV I didn't feel nothing. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but blood on the floor all over Dequan. He was dead. I looked up at Pg he shook his head saying it wasn't him. I turned around and I saw Jordan standing behind me. He put his gun away. I ran up to him and squeezed him. I really thought I was going to die but he saved me. "Thank you so so so much" I said into his chest. He looked down at me "remember I said that I got you" he smiled then hugged me. Jordan's POV 3 months later I think I love her. She's all that I think about. I tried fucking around with different girls but I wasn't feeling it. I would do to see her all the time and sometimes spend the night. But she ain't showing me that she's feeling me. She invited me over to spend the night. Teyanna went to stay with Pg for a couple days. They had got really close and started dating. Me and Pg were also cool since I saved his life as well and I didn't even know him. I told him about how I felt about Diamond because he's know her for longer then me. It's gonna be hard but i have no choice I know what I have to do.
We was watching a movie in her room. She got scared and grabbed my arm. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer. She didn't do anything. I looked down at her in the darkness. She had on a grey jumpsuit that fitted her body perfectly showing a little cleavage.
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Diamond's outfit ^ She looked up at me and caught me staring and smiled and looked back at the tv. "Why are you doing this to me" I said to her. "She looked up at me" I looked at her baby face. "Never mind" I said looking away. "Nah tell me" she said grabbing my face. "I love you but you too difficult one minute your hugging me and playing with my hair the next your pushing me away it's confusing " I said shaking my head. She looked at me shocked. She didn't say anything. I moved my arm from around her and turned to the side so my back was facing her. I sighed. "I have feelings for you" she whispered. "But I'm scared" she said. I turned around facing her our facing close to eachother. "I'm not gonna hurt you I killed for you and I will take a bullet for you any day" I said looking at her. Then she kissed me. I was shocked but I kissed her back I pulled her on top of me but I only touched her back I didn't want to scare her again. As the kiss started to get more intense I accidentally touched her butt but then moved it back up again. "It's okay" she whispered into my ear. I hesitated but then I grabbed her ass she starting grinding on me as I kissed her neck. I felt me dick getting hard and I guess she did too because she stopped. "I'm not ready for that yet" she said as she laid on my chest. I was a bit frustrated but I understood. Soon we fell asleep. Diamond's POV I sat in my car and cried. I called Teyanna on the phone. "I don't want him no more I'm fed up of him treating me like this" I sobbed. "Come stay with me then you can't go back in there" she said worried. I looked up at the building through my window. "I don't know" I said. I saw him walking out the building towards me looking mad as fuck. "I i got to go" I said trembling as I hang up the phone. He walked around the car and opened the door where I was sitting. He dragged me by the hair out the car and onto the ground. "Where the fuck You think your going huh" he said as he kicked me still holding onto my hair. I kicked me in my face in my stomach and in my chest. Then he grabbed me by the neck and started squeezing. "P please I I can't breathe" I managed to say. He stopped and picked me up throwing my over his shoulders like a dead body. He walked to the apartment and opened the door. He brought me into the bathroom and turned on the bath. Then he threw me onto the ground. "You just couldn't listen huh you always have to make shit difficult" he said as he took of his jeans. "I don't even feel like fucking your bitch ass" he said as he looked down at me with disgust with the same eyes that used to me feel so special but I was all I lie. "Good" I yelled getting brave. He took of his boxers and grabbed my head forcing himself into my mouth I tried to push back but he pulled me by the head. I did nothing I just sat there. "Fuck You doing get to sucking" he shouted but I still didn't move. He leaned over and grabbed his gun and took it of safety and pointed it at my head "I said get to mother fucking sucking" he shouted the gun still pointed at my head. I did as he said. He pushed my head in towards him which made me choke. "Urgh I've had enough of you Belle is way better then you" he said as he removed himself from me. He stopped the bath water. It was filled up his bathtub was quite deep and big. He took his belt and started hitting me with it "I should fucking shoot you right now" he shouted I looked into his eyes as he beat me black and blue it was filled with so much hate and angry and I did nothing to him. But he made me feel like I deserved it like I did something to him. He then stripped me of my clothes and lifted me up. I felt tired and numb so I stopped fighting back. He threw me in the bathtub and looked at him and I looked at him. "What are yo-" i began to say then SLAP. I tear rolled down my eye. I turned around and grabbed tape. He tapped my hands together then he tapped me feet together then he tied my feet to my hands behind my back. He looked at me as I was crying heavily now. He put tape over my mouth. Then he put his hand on the top of my head and started to push me under the water. I tried gasping for air but I couldn't because of the tape over my mouth. The water was filled of blood. And he kept my head under smiling as he watched me struggle. Jordan's POV "AHHHHHH" she screamed. I jumped up looking around the room there was no one there. I looked down at Diamond she was still sleeping but sweating a lot and shaking. She started gasping for air. "Please please please stop don't hurt me please" she said in her sleep. "Diamond" I said shaking her. "DIAMOND" I shouted trying to get her to wake up. She jumped up and started crying immediately. Then she ran to the bathroom she didn't like it when people saw her crying. To be continued....