In the wrong hands

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Dequan's POV
She ain't answer my message I knew she wasn't she must still be living with her pussy ass best friend Diamond that's why. I'm gonna get to her I have to. I was sitting in my car then my nigga BJ came in the passenger seat we did our handshake. "What's good my nigga fresh out yeah" he said. "Yeah man and I'm not going back I got a couple stuff to sort out round here". "Like what" he asked "first I need to get my bitch back so she can clean and cook for me" I said BJ laughed then I started the car and started driving.
Diamond's POV
I went to the grocery store because we had nothing to eat at home. I parked my car and got out. I grabbed a trolley and started pushing it through the isles grabbing I few items as I went. "Woah twice in one week how did I get so lucky" I smelt his cologne and I already knew it was him. I pretend like I couldn't hear him and continued walking as I stopped to grab some cookies I felt hands around my waist lifting me up. "Put me down" I yelled not too loud because I didn't want to draw attention to us. I put me in the trolley and started pushing me and laughing. "Get my out of here I ain't playing" I said aggressively. "You need to learn how to have fun" I said laughing and pushing me faster. After I while I started to enjoy it. "Ahhhhhh" I screamed laughing. "What's next" he said. "I need some frozen chicken". "Ight" he said pushing me faster. He grabbed the chicken and threw it on me. "Excuse me no running in the store" said someone who worked there. He pushed me faster away from the worker then carried me out and we acted like nothing happened. I payed for the items and we left. "That was fun wasn't it" he said carrying half of the bags. "Whatever" I said as i got to my car. He helped put the stuff in the boot then looked down at me. I looked up at him. He smiled and I looked away. "Let me get your number this time" he said softly. I took my phone and typed it into his phone. "Don't get it twisted I don't like you or anything I just know your not gonna stop until you get it" I said as I handed his phone back to him. "Yeah Ight" he said then he kissed me on the cheek "see you later ma" then we walked away. I watched as he got into his black bmw then I drove back home.
15 minutes later I arrived at home and I saw I car parked in front of the house. I looked closely and I saw BJ sitting in the passenger seat. I quickly got out the car and ran into the house. "Tt where are you" no answer "TEY" I shouted still no answer. I ran into her room and she was standing there packing her bag and Dequan was sitting on the bed beside her on his phone. "The fuck are you doing here" I said to Dequan. "Nice to see you too" I said smiling not looking up from his phone. "Tey what are you doing" I said to Teyanna. "I..." she started "she's coming with me I'm back now thanks for taking care of her whilst I was gone" I said interrupting her. "She don't want to come home with your ugly ass" I yelled at him. "Well she packing her bags ain't she"I said only now looking up at me and laughing. "Can you get out I need to talk to my best friend" I said to him. " I ain't going nowhere" he said. "Quan can you wait in the car please" she said to him quietly. "Ight don't take too long" he said then he left. I waited to her the front door close then I said "why are you letting him do this to you again". "I love him Diamond you just don't understand he said that he has changed in jail and I believe him he bought me flowers he said he loves me if we love each other we should be together you'll never understand that because you've never been in love" she said not even looking at me. "Really oh my God I can't believe you just said that to me your forgetting that I was exactly in your position even worse 3 years ago." I said to her a tear ran down my face as I thought about my past but I quickly wiped it away. "You know what since you love him so much leave just go but remember who has been there for you before and after he went to jail and compare it to what he did to you" I said she then took her bag and left. I know I shouldn't have let her go. But she was making me think of things I didn't want to think about and if she really cared about me she wouldn't let me go back to that place. But shit I let her go and I had to get her back. And then just at that second my phone rang. I picked up and then I heard his voice. " Hey princess"
To be continued....
Check out my other story 'loving a thug'

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