Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Angels POV Pg was sitting opposite me in my living room. I had just shown him the pregnancy test and he still hadn't said anything. I just sat there staring at him nervously. It didn't really matter what he was going to say at the end of the day because I know that I want this baby and I was going to give it the life I never had. "Are you gonna keep it" he said finally looking up at me. "Yes" I said nervously. He got up and I thought he was bout to leave but he sat next to me. "Then imma be here every step of the way" he said and hugged me. I felt safe in his arms and I didn't ever want to leave. Diamond's POV Today I decided no more tears. I need to work on myself and getting better and then hopefully Jordan will get better too. I had to face my demons straight up so today I was going to see Teyanna. It's crazy that we have been in the same building all this time and I still haven't visited her. I was too scared tot even though I'm on her visiting list. I went to the receptionist and gave my name and she let me threw. I stood outside her door for damn near 10 minutes and just as I was about to leave the door opened and Teyanna was standing in front of me. I didn't say anything I just stared at her. She was starting to look like herself again. She had her hair slicked into a bun with edges and she had lipgloss on.
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At least one of us is doing better. "Hey" she said with a small smile. "Hi" I said. She opened the door so that I could come in. It didn't even look like a hospital room. It had a couch and a tv and a single bed. I sat on the couch and she sat on the bed. "How you been" she said. "The same how bout you you look a lot better" I said looking at her outfit. She had a white tank top with blue ripped jeans. You'd never even guess she was in a mental hospital. Me on the other hand I had my hair in a messy bun that hadn't been combed in a week. I had the same joggers and t-shirt from yesterday and I had plain black slides. "I'm been doing a lot better they really helped me they say I should be out of here by the end of the week"she said smiling. "Have you seen a doctor abou-" "No" I said quickly. "You should Diamond they really helped me and I don't want to see you like this I've been through hell but you've been through way worse and I know the story of what happened he told me because he thought I'd never make it out of there" she said. "They asked me to tell them but I said I didn't know anything about it" she also said. I just sat there and stared at her she did seem a lot better and I wish I was but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "Did you ever feel... you know..." "Crazy? Nah I didn't because I wasn't and neither are you just traumatised and that's okay Di they can help you" she said. "And when your better just know that I'm always here for you and I have never nor will I ever turn against you even when I was locked in there I never once blamed you" she said. I nodded and got up. "I should get going good luck for when you get out of here"I said opening the door. "Thanks and er hows Pg" she said nervously. I knew she still loved him even after all this time. "He's fine I'll tell him you asked for him just know it takes a little time" I said and left. I sighed when the door closed. She was right I do need to see someone but I'm scared that I wont recover as easy as she did. What if I stay in here forever.
Once I got back to the room Angel and Pg was there together. I was a little confused because I didn't even know they was friends like that. "Hey" I said confused. "Diamond we've got news" Angel said happily. Pg stood next to her smiling and her held her hand. I raised my eyebrow and stared at them blankly. "We're pregnant" she said. I stood there saying nothing for about 5 minutes. "Huh" I finally said. "What do you mean we're when did you too" I said. "Before all this madness we kind of had something going on and now I'm pregnant and I'm keeping the baby isn't that great" she said smiling. I wanted to smile with her and celebrate but how could I be happy for someone when Jordan was laid up in a hospital bed. I felt like shouted at all of them and having a fit but I wasn't going to let depression take over again it's bad enough that it's in my head. I gave a fake smile and went into the room and closed the door.
I was woken up by nurses talking. "Sorry for waking you but we've got news" she said. "The doctor said they've seen progress his brain is working properly again. So he can hear what your saying and maybe even feel touch" she said smiling. My heart rate sped up and I looked at Jordan. "Thank you so much" I said and then they left. I instantly felt nervous. I mean I've been talking to him all this time but now that I actually know he can hear me it feels so different. "Hey" I said softly and touching his hand. "It's me Diamond" I said. " I miss you so much and I haven't spent a single day without being by your side and that isn't going to change until your fully with me Okay I love you forever" I said and I kissed the top of his head. That's night I fell asleep feeling happy because I knew that he was going to come back to me soon. To be continued... Ight guys the next chapter is going to be the last chapter of this book. Thank you so much for the support on this story I am grateful. I am considering on making a book two but I'm not sure if you want me too make sure you spam all the chapters with votes and comment and tell me. But in the mean time you can read my other story 'Fake love'. Much love x