Diamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...
Diamond's POV I heard that Dequan has travelled but he's back now and I want bout to waste no time. Teyanna has just left for work I couldn't tell her what I was doing because she would try and stop me. My phone started ringing it was my friend PG I've known him since I was little and I knew he had my back. "Hello" I said as I put on my black top to match my black leggings. "Yo he at the spot" PG said he was helping me because he also cared about Teyanna, the spot was where drug dealers and there girlfriends would hang to do business and catch up. I knew a lot of people there more then Dequan did. He has know idea I was coming for him."Ight I'm bout to leave do you have eyes on him" I said as I grabbed my bag and my gun "yeah" he replied "Who he with" I said. "He with his brother and that's it they just smoking weed and talking about something" he said. "Okay here's the plan when I'm gonna text my friend and I when get there she finna act like she feeling Dequan and get him away from his brother. Then your gonna go to him from behind and knock him out and take his gun then I'll take care of Dequan." I said zipping up my bag and getting my car keys. "Ight cool" he said. I heard a knock on the door. "Imma call you back Ight" I said then ended the call. As I walked towards the door I quickly texted my friend who stays around there the plan. I opened the door and it was Jordan. He invited himself in. "Jordan now is not a good time" I said as I sent the text. He looked at my bag then at me. "What you doing" he said. "I'm bout to head out I got some shit to do" I said grabbing my bag. "Like what" he said staring at me. "Nigga what you want I got to go" I said getting annoyed. " You ain't going no where until you tell me what your doing" he said I knew he could tell something was up he knows what I'm like. "FUCK OFF OKAY YOUR NOT MY FATHER" I shouted then walked out. When I arrived at the spot I was Pg car so I knew Dequan was close. I texted my friend telling her it was go time then I went into Pg's car. "You ready" he said loading his gun. "Yup" I said taking my gun out my bag. I saw my friend walk towards Dequan and they started talking then she took his hand and they walked off. She texted me telling me they went to the back of the building so I got up ready to go there. PG's POV
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Picture of PG ^ I got out the car and sneaked up behind him. I grabbed a bottle that was on the floor then smashed it over his head. The plan wasn't for him to die but was for him not to be able to help his friend. I dropped to the floor I grabbed his gun then stood there looking at him. He never saw my face. But when he wakes up and finds out his brother is dead he's gonna look for who did that to him. I couldn't have him hurt Teyanna ever I loved her too much but she doesn't know that. I shot him twice in the head with his own gun then put it in his hand and ran towards where Diamond was at. Diamond's POV I was watching them from a small distance waiting for the right moment. Then I heard two gunshots. Shit. Dequan looked back towards the noice and started to walk and see if his brother was alright. My friend tried to get him to say but he said no he had to see what happened. I was walking his back facing him. I shot him once in the leg which caused him to drop on the floor. I ran up to him and grabbed his gun. His looked up at me as he held on to his bleeding leg. "You crazy bitch" he said in pain. I shot him again in his other leg. He screamed out in pain. I saw Pg running towards me. "Let's make this quick and get out of here" he said. I crouched down in front of Dequan. "I warned you I warned you not to hurt her but you did it again and now your gonna pay" I said I pointed the gun to his head but got distracted when I heard a noice behind me. He grabbed my gun and pointed it at me. I stood up quickly and pointed Dequan's gun towards him. Pg also point his gun towards him. I pulled the trigger but there was only a popping sound. The gun has no bullets. What kind of pussy ass nigga carries a gun with no bullets. I looked up at Pg with my hands up. He mouthed to me 'I'm out as well'. Shit. "You dumb bitch your the one who's gonna pay" Dequan said and laughed. I closed my eyes. BANG BANG BANG BANG To be continued...