Jordan's POV
I sat in my kitchen a took another shot of patron and smoked my weed. I thought of Diamond and I decided that I should let her go because I didn't want to hurt her anymore. I heard a knock on my door. I dragged myself to the door and opened it. "What" I said looking down. "Hey" I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and saw Diamond standing in front of me. "Oh shit" I said. "Umm do you want to come in or?" I asked. She nodded and I opened the door wider for her.
Diamond's POV
I walked in the apartment and glanced towards the kitchen bar table. I saw weed on the table and two bottles of alcohol one completely empty and one half empty. I sat down on this couch and he sat opposite me on a chair. "I just wanted to say thank you for the party I didn't know that it was you that planned it and maybe I was too harsh on you as well yes you did say some fucked up shit but I wasn't well and I know that could have been overwhelming for you" I said playing with my fingers. "I accept your apology and I think we can put this behind us" I said looking down. "Thanks .....But Diamond I said I loved you" he said sitting next to me. "Umm Jordan I-". He interrupted me by kissing me. After a few seconds I pulled away. "We can't keep doing this" I said. "Doing what" he said looking at me confused. "Running eachother life we are obviously not meant to be together look at how many time we've gone through this and now your drinking heavily I care about you Jordan that's why I think we should just be friends" I said looking at him. "When we are friends there's no stress and I don't want you to hurt yourself" I said looking toward the kitchen then him. "Imma see you later" I said. I kissed him on the check then left.
6 weeks later
I've been getting to know Omar and he actually I nice person. Me and Angel decided to move in together. I opened up my own shop with Omar's connections he bought me a shop it's not too big but it's a start. Me and Jordan have become close friends but that's pretty much it. "Ooo look at these new Jordan's" I said picked up the shoes and showing it to him. "They cool" Jordan said texting on his phone. "Imma get them" I said looking back at the shoes. "Diamond you have enough shoes already" I said still looking at his phone. "Shut up I don't" I said laughing. "Excuse me can I have these in size 8 please" I said to a worker. Jordan looked up. "Yo these shoes are nice" he said getting up from the bench and walking towards me. "Hmm maybe if you payed attention instead of texting one of your girlfriends you would have noticed sooner" I said rolling my eyes and walking to the clothes section. "What you jealous" he said smirking. "Nah" I said looking at leggings. "Why not" he said looking at me. "Because" I said smiling. "Because What" He said. I didn't reply. "You got a nigga or something" he said looking at his phone. "Hmmm something like that" I said smiling. I could see Jordan look up at me from the corner of me eye then he looked down again. "What is it that nigga that bought you the shop" he said typing. "His name is not nigga it's Omar" I said. Jordan paused. "What" I said looking at him and giggling. Jordan kept a straight face. "Omar Who" he said seriously. "Omar Jones.... why you know him" I said looking back at the clothes. "Imma kill him" he said. "Woahhh what did I miss" I said quickly turning towards him.
Jordan's POV
I can't believe Omar's bitch ass. If you don't remember Omar is my childhood friend one of my closest. He was the one who encouraged me to go to the hotel room with that girl, he was the one who told me to forget about Diamond and focus on Tina and he was the one who told me to stop fighting for her because he saw her with another nigga a week after she came to my apartment. He fed me lies and directed me away from Diamond just so that he could step in. I'm finna give him what he deserves. "Di you can't see him no more" I said texting Pg and Cey. She kissed her teeth "Why not" she said crossing her arms. "I'll explain to you on the way" I said pulling her out the shop. "Wait my shoes" she shouted. "We'll pick them up another day" I said as we left.
Diamond's POV
We drove into an area that I don't think I've been to before but it looked familiar.
"Are you okay sweetheart where's your parents" said an old lady as she walked towards me. I was sitting in front of the front door crying heavily. "Oh dear what happened" she said placing her hand on my back. "C-call the police my mom has been shot"
Flashback ends
I jumped out of my thoughts and looked at the houses that looked familiar. "Are you okay" Jordan said as he drove. "Ummm Yeah.... were are we" I said. "Belmont" He said. My heart stopped as he said that. "What's wrong" he said. "This.....This is where my mom was killed".
To be continued
The next chapter will be more interesting and things will be cleared up if you are confused.

Princess THUG
Teen FictionDiamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...