"Shut up and let me go because you've really got the wrong girl" I said shaking my head. "You can believe what you want but I really am your father" he said. I thought about it and I guess it made sense. All those notes to my mother was to check on me and see how I was doing. A tear rolled down my face. "Why did you leave me why did you leave us you could have been there and helped my mother BUT YOU DIDN'T" I said yelling the last part. My hands were tied so I couldn't wipe my tears so I let them run. "Darling there's much more to the story that you don't know so SHUT UP and let me finish" he shouted then I realised that he was crazy. "I didn't leave before you were born I was there I just wasn't there as your dad I was there as your mothers boyfriend" he said. "What?" I said really confused. Your mothers boyfriend was me your father but we didn't tell you because she told me not too. I did care about your mother but then she started acting crazy like as if she was in charge and I had to show her who was boss" he said with a smirk on his face that had my blood boiling. "You hit my mother" I said crying heavily just at the thought of it "you hit my MOTHER" I shouted. "I had to and then it became a habit it gave me a sense of power whenever she would act up I would hit her and rape her but of course you wouldn't remember you was just a baby. Then she decided that she didn't want you to know I was your father because she was ashamed" he said. I didn't say anything I just cried and listened.
"I love you Diamond I really did care about you unfortunately that is the passed tense. Anyway of course I had my life on the side a beautiful girlfriend and she had my baby and it was perfect but of course I would come back home get want I wanted out of you mother and leave" he said. "Wait you had your life and a whole other kid but you still came home to beat and rape my mother" I said angry and sad at the same time. "That right and ad you got older you realised that I was coming and going so your mom told you I was her boyfriend".My heart stopped for a second. The man that I grew up to hate my whole life was my father the whole time.
"Then she got fed up and secretly filed a restraining order against me and won them I couldn't come to the house anymore so I started sending notes short ones so that the police wouldn't catch on and my homeboy would send them I told her to keep sending me updates on you and I would pay her some money as she was struggling and she agreed" he said. "I kept all those notes and I'm guessing you've read them" he said. I didn't reply I was just putting the story together and everything was adding up. "Then I switched it up. I told my girlfriend about you and how much missed you and she said that I could take you into the family and she would treat you as her own so I sent a note to your mother threatening her so that she would give you to me." He said. "Why didn't she call the police" I said. "Because I said if she did and they caught me I would send someone to kill you both and she knew I wasn't playing" he said.
"Then one night I came home and wanted the to take you but your mother was being more brave and refused to which lead to a huge argument I tried to hit her but she hit me back and I realised how strong your mother actually is and she told me to get out" he said.
Flashback 9 years ago
I was 10 years old my mom had a boyfriend and they had got into an argument last night. "Get out of my house I don't want you around me or my daughter" shouted my mom. "If I leave know you'll regret it" he said. "GET OUT NOW" she yelled then there was a loud bang of the front door. I was so scared I started crying into my pillow in the darkness. I heard someone walk up the stairs and open the door I shut my eyes tightly and started breathing heavily. The footsteps got closer and closer and my breathing also increased "hey baby relax it's me" my mom said softly and layer down next to me "it's gonna be okay I'm so sorry princess I won't let anyone hurt you again" more tears ran down my face and I was still shaking. My mom rubbed my back and I soon fell asleep.
Flashback ends
"That was the night before my mom died. That was you?" I said putting the pieces together. "I was so angry and I had to get you at this point all feelings towards your mother was gone. So I called up my people and we pulled up to your moms house early morning and shot at it I knew that she would want to protect you and give herself in she did" he said. I started to sob louder and harder remembering the day that my mother was killed.Flashback
I jumped up from my sleep. "GET DOWN DIAMOND"shouted my mom. I quickly got down. I saw my mum sitting below the window crying it was already morning outside. BANG BANG BANG. Someone was shooting at the house. I started breathing heavily and my body was trembling. "Come outside and we won't hurt your daughter" I heard his voice from outside the man the completely ruined my life. My mum left the room and then came back with a bag in her hand. "Keep this for the rest of your life don't let anyone hurt you like he has.... like I have I'm so sorry princess and I love you so so much never forget about me" she said to me with tears running down her face. Then she gave me the bag and ran out of the room a few seconds later I heard a BANG followed by my mothers scream and cars driving away
Flashback ends
"You killed my mother. You killed my mother. You killed my mother and fucked up my. Whole. Life" I said staring at nothing feeling numb. "I wanted to get you but it was too late I heard police sirens and I took her body and left" he said with a serious face. I had enough I didn't want to hear anymore I wanted to get out of there I couldn't handle seeing his face and hearing his voice. My whole life I wondered what happened to her and who killed her and how he got to live freely and now I found out that the man who killed her was my own father and it was because of me. "I don't want to hear anymore please stop please please please stop" I said crying harder and shaking. "I can take a break if you want but there's so much more to the story" he said then he got up and walked out.
To be continued..

Princess THUG
Teen FictionDiamond had a fucked up childhood which turned her into a thug. She starts falling for a boy but he doesn't know how fucked up she is and neither does she. With no parents to rely on she has to make it on her own not knowing who to trust. When the p...