Chapter 1

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"I promise I would never leave you again"

"I promise"

Jisoo took a step forward, she smiled at him and hugged the person in front of her, she closed her eyes and a tear trickled out from the corner of her eye.

"And...Cut!" the director shouted

"Well done everybody!" he shouted

Everyone stared roaring and cheering, they just finished the last scene of their movie. They were hugging everyone around them, it was like a huge celebration.

Jin smiled and patted Jisoo's head,

"You alright?" he asked

Jisoo weeped uncontrollably while nodding her head,

"Yeah, jus- touched, you know-"

Jin laughed and said:

"Well alright! Good job, stop crying now"

Jisoo nodded her head again while forcing back her tears, Jin smiled and gave Jisoo a friendly hug.

Jin was the guy Jisoo hugged just now. They were both the lead role of the movie "When The Stars Go Blue". It's a story about a couple that was force to leave each other because the guy was a spy from another country and the girl is a daughter of a general. It was written by a very famous scriptwriter but the special part is the production cast managed to invite the two most popular actor and actresses who are Jin and Jisoo to be the lead roles.

Since the news were out, the whole world exploded, this will be the first time Jin and Jisoo collaborate and everyone was anticipated. Jisoo was a little nervous about this collaboration before because she had been told that Jin was a strict actor and has high requirements towards his partners. But it turns out he is a nice guy with decent acting skills and gave Jisoo lot's of tips about acting. They are really good friends now.

Jisoo chuckled through her tears and said:

"Thank you Jin, it was nice working with you"

"The pleasure is mine, Chi Chu" Jin replied

Chi Chu is a nickname Jin gave Jisoo cause he thought it sounded cute. And since Jisoo found it cute too, she was fine with Jin calling her that,

The director walked over and said:

"Well done Jin, well done Jisoo, both of you had done a great job, this movie will definitely be a blockbuster!"

"Thank you" Jin said

"Thank you for everything sir" Jisoo said

"Well, dinner's on me, we're going to celebrate later, both of you must come" the director said

Jin and Jisoo exchanged glances, then Jin turned his head back to the director and said:

"Yeah about that"

"We can't be there" Jisoo said

"Why?" the director asked

"I thought I've told you guys about this last week ago" he said

"Yeah well, we have things to do" Jin said

"Like what?" the director asked

"We're going to a concert" Jin said

"Yeah, a friend's concert" Jisoo said

"Together?" the director asked suspiciously

"Well yeah, but it's not what you think" Jisoo explained

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