Chapter 12

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Jisoo stepped down from the van and met tons of cameras and flashes. It was Friday and it was the day the go to Paris. Since it was a work trip, it was publicly announced so the medias and fans came. With her assistance and manager by her side, she let the medias too a few pictures and quickly went inside the airport. A big crowd formed around them, people kept on shouting:

"Jisoo saranghae!"

"Jisoo are you dating?"

"Are you happy to be on Vogue American?"

"How does it feels like to be on Vogue American?"

"Jisoo who are you dating?"

"Jisoo is it true you're dating?"

"Is it true you snatched other's opportunities to be on Vogue?"

"Is it true you had a fight with Rosé?"

"Jisoo you're so pretty!"

The medias were stuffing mics in front of Jisoo, she lowered her head and fasten her steps. With the help of the bodyguards, Jisoo managed to entered the VIP lounge in a piece.

What the medias and fans didn't notice is, not for long after Jisoo went in, another black van came too, with even more bodyguards. Jennie, Lisa and Rosé was in there. Somehow, Jennie managed to persuade Tae Hyung to not follow, she was afraid his presence would somehow break hers and Jisoo's relationship.

But, Irene followed. Long story short, it turns out Irene was working for Jennie's father and since Jennie's father is planning to let Jennie inherit his business, he thought she needed someone to guide her. Irene, being one of the best employees was the assigned to help Jennie. So she tagged along.

The amount of the bodyguards attracted people's attention but they moved quickly to the lounge so it didn't attracted a crowd. The four of them entered the VIP lounge and saw Jisoo's manager waiting outside for them. Following her, they went to one private room at the corner and Jisoo was already there waiting for them.

Lisa crashed on the couch and exclaimed:

"It's been a long time since I wasn't surrounded by people in public places!"

Jisoo glared at Lisa and said:

"Are you showing off?"

Lisa cheekily nodded her head, Jisoo rolled her eyes and turned away.

"I should go get some food" Rosé said

"I'll come with you!" Lisa said

"Bring me some juice" Irene said

Lisa nodded her head and asked:

"Anything else?"

"I have to keep fit, the photoshoot is like on tomorrow" Jisoo replied

"Jen?" Lisa asked

Jennie shook her head, Lisa nodded her head then they turn and left. Jisoo's manager and assistant left too to confirm the flight details.

Rosé and Lisa left the room and walked to the food area. Lisa wasn't really hungry as they just ate breakfast maybe an hour ago, but naturally, Rosé was already hungry. She squealed in delight looking at all those foods. She grabbed Lisa's arm and shook it and said:

"Oh my god! How am I going to finish all these?"

"You don't have to" Lisa said

"But I want to!" Rosé pouted

"You know, it's a sin to watch food in front of you but not to eat it" Rosé said

Lisa shook her head and said:

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