Chapter 13

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Everyone got a regular room and somehow Jennie got a suite. Jisoo exited the lift and found the door of the suite wide opened. She pulled her luggage and walk towards the room. She knocked the door and asked:


"Come in!" Jennie shouted from inside

After confirming it was Jennie's room, Jisoo stepped in and closed the door. It's a nice suite with separated living room and bedroom, it even had a small kitchen beside and beside the kitchen is a floor to ceiling window with a magnificent view of the city. Jisoo looked around not knowing what to do when Jennie shouted again:

"I'm at the bedroom!"

Jisoo pulled her luggage with her and walked to the bedroom when she saw Jennie lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Hearing the noice, Jennie slightly opened her eyes, she saw Jisoo in front then she faintly smile and closed her eyes.

"The closet's over there, you can put your luggage there, serve yourself, make yourself comfortable" Jennie said

Jisoo nodded her head and brought her luggage to the closet. She left it there and walked back to the room. Seeing Jisoo came back, Jennie patted the space beside her and said:


Jisoo hesitated for a while but eventually walked up and sat beside Jennie. Looking at Jennie's pale face, Jisoo frowned and asked:

"Are you sick?"

Jennie gently shook her head and said:

"Just a little dizzy"

"Motion sickness?" Jisoo asked

Jennie lifted her lips a little and nodded her head. Jisoo frowned and asked:

"Why did you smile just now?"

"No I didn't" Jennie replied

"Yes you did! I saw it!" Jisoo said

Jennie smiled and said:

"It feels good"

"Motion sickness feels good?" Jisoo horrifiedly asked

"No silly" Jennie chuckled and answered

"You remembering I have motion sickness, that feels good" Jennie softly mumbled

Jisoo shook her head and patted her thighs then said:

"Come here"

Jennie looked at her questionably then Jisoo said:

"I mean your head"

"Oh" Jennie replied

She moved her body and laid her head on Jisoo's lap. Jisoo sighed and started massaging Jennie's temple.

They were quiet for a while. Then, Jennie took a deep breathe and asked:

"So, what do you want to do later?"

Jisoo thought for a moment and said:

"I wanted to go sightseeing, maybe visit some spots, go up Eiffel Tower, visit Louvre Museum, the arc, I don't know, Paris seems like a place full of tourists attractions"

Jennie slightly chuckled and said:

"You are suppose to be on a business trip"

Jisoo pouted a little and said:

"Yeah I know and now you're sick, guess I'm stuck in this hotel"

Jennie smiled and asked:

"Are you blaming it on me?"

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