Chapter 25

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Jennie thanked the stranger then got out from her car. Standing at Irene's porch, Jennie took a deep breathe then went inside. She closed the door and found everyone except Jisoo at the living room. They all walk towards Jennie and Irene pulled her in for a hug. Giving everyone a comforting smile, Jennie asked:

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs, asleep" Lisa replied

Jennie nodded her head then said:

"I'll be upstairs"

She then went up the staircase and softly turned the knob. Stepping in the room, the lights were off so it was dark inside. Jisoo was indeed sleeping in the bed. She was sleeping on one side, with her back facing Jennie's side. She hugged a pillow and was all curled up under the blanket. Jennie closed the door and went inside the bed too.

Looking at Jisoo's back, Jennie's heart found it's peace. She inched foward and softy circled her hands over Jisoo's body and hugged her then she buried her face inside Jisoo's back.

Jisoo felt the movement and was half awaked, she unconsciously mumbled:


"Yes" Jennie mumbled back

Jennie's voice shocked Jisoo and her brain suddenly got clearer, she turned over her body and asked again:


"It's me" Jennie replied

Jisoo's eyes slowly opened as her eyebrows knitted together, Jennie looked at Jisoo's face which is now facing her, due to the crying, her eyes were obviously red and puffy, Jennie's heart tore up a little seeing that. She softly said:

"I'm sorry"

Jisoo finally regain her conscious, but she said nothing, she was just looking back at Jennie.

Jisoo lifted her hand and slowly stroked Jennie's hair. After some time she said:

"You're back"

Her voice was already deep and all the crying made it even huskier, Jennie's eyes immediately went red and she mumbled:

"I'm back"

Jisoo softly traced Jennie's face then said:

"It's okay"

Tears came out from Jennie's eyes, her body started shaking a little, but Jisoo smiled and gave her a hug. She softly patted Jennie's back then said:

"I'm fine"

"Love I-I'm sorry" Jennie cried out

Jisoo tighten the hug then said:

"I'm fine love, I really am"

After a short pause, Jisoo continued:

"You are still with me right? I still have you, that's what that matters"

Jennie didn't reply but there were still little sobs, Jisoo sighed then said:

"Love, you're crying too much recently, for me, for us, I don't like it. Love is something that is suppose to make us happy, I'm sad every time I see you crying over us, this isn't what I want to see, I want to bring you happiness, laughters, not this. I don't want to see you like this, it breaks me"

"Promise me love, promise me, no more crying over us, okay? I just want you to be happy, I will accept all your decision, I trust you love, I really do, everything's going to be fine in the end, as long as we have each other, nothing matters" Jisoo finished

That got Jennie crying even more but she nodded her head immediately muttered:


Jisoo slightly smiled and said:

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