Chapter 19

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They went back to the hotel for the celebration. They gathered at Jennie's room since it was the biggest. Jennie ordered some wine when the rest of them just rested on the couch. Lisa and Rosé was sharing a three seater couch, Rosé was laying in Lisa's embrace, they were holding hands tightly. Jisoo was siting at a two seater couch, leaning at the arm rest. The wine arrived soon and Jennie brought them to the table, she then sat on the one seater couch.

Lisa sat forward to open the wine and poured it into 4 glasses. Jisoo took a glass first and said:

"To two of my best friends in the world, congratulations"

Lisa and Rosé each took a glass too and they softly bumped their glass together. After taking a sip, Rosé sighed and said:

"This is still very unbelievable, it's too unreal"

"I know" Lisa mumbled in respond

"Well the important thing now is what are you going to do next" Jennie said

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked

"Like are you telling your company? Is this going to public or what? You've got to start planning" Jennie said

"Do we have to think about that now" Lisa groaned

Jennie shrugged and said:

"It could be sooner, not necessarily now"

"Cause I just want this moment to be perfect" Lisa said while looking at Rosé

Rosé smiled and replied:

"It already is"

They gave Jennie and Jisoo shivers causing them to glare at them. Rosé smiled and said:

"They could never relate"

"Right" Lisa agreed

"After all those things we helped, this is what I'm getting?" Jisoo complained

"Speaking of that, tell me, how did it happened, how was it planned, I wanna know" Rosé said

"Well, it was actually like this-" Lisa said

She started sharing everything she thought of and the rest of them were listening to her story when Jennie's phone rang. She took her phone and the screen was spelling: 'Tae Hyung'.

Jennie's eyes darken and immediately muted the sound. She thought for a moment then said:

"I'll have to pick up this call"

The rest of them was drawn into Lisa's story that they didn't pay too much attention, they simply nodded their heads in respond.

Jennie took the phone out to the balcony but the call already ended. Staring at her phone, Jennie fell into deep thoughts. The wind was very strong it gave Jennie shivers but she didn't mind. Not for long, the phone rang again and Jennie picked it up this time.

"Hello?" Tae Hyung's voice came through the phone

It had been a long time since Jennie heard his voice, she was a little stunned somehow.

"Hello? Jennie?" Tae Hyung said again

Jennie woke up from her thought and replied:

"Y-yes it's me"

Jennie heard a soft chuckled from the phone then Tae Hyung said:

"I thought there was something wrong with the phone, I heard nothing at first"

"Yeah maybe, so why did you call?" Jennie asked

"Just wanted to check if you're alright" Tae Hyung said

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