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A few months later.

"Love, wake up" Jisoo softly said to the person laying on the bed

But actually, she was starting to lose her patience, seeing the person on the bed groaned but did nothing. Jisoo lost it, she picked up a pillow and hit the person's body,

"Kim Jennie! Wake up now!" Jisoo shouted

Again, Jennie groaned and shouted:

"I don't wanna!"

Continuously hitting Jennie with the pillow, Jisoo shouted:

"You! Promised! We! Are! Going! To! The! Zoo! Today!"

"That was before you decided we need to do some exercise on the bed last night!" Jennie shouted

Jisoo's face immediately went red, last night's steamy memories came back, she couldn't help it but shouted:

"Shut up!"

Jennie slowly opened her eyes and teasingly looked at Jisoo, seeing the ultra shy Jisoo, Jennie smiled and said:

"Come here"

Jisoo sighed and threw the pillow at Jennie but then she joined her at the bed. Jennie hugged Jisoo from behind and buried her head in Jisoo's back. Jennie them mumbled:

"Hmm I love you"

Jisoo played with Jennie's hair then asked:

"Why are you so easily tired, you know you're younger than me right?"

"Well love, you should have seen yourself on bed" Jennie teasingly said

Jisoo buried her head into her hands and said:

"That's enough, you may shut up now"

Jennie chuckled and said:

"And she's shy now"

Jennie turned Jisoo over and said:

"Good morning love"

Jisoo smiled and looked back at Jennie,

"Good morning" she greeted

Jennie inched forward and placed a light kiss on Jisoo's forehead, then she said:

"Alright, let's go get ready, the animals are all waiting"

"Yay!" Jisoo cheered, which got Jennie smiling even more

After showering and having a simple breakfast, Jennie and Jisoo went to the San Diego Zoo which is one of the best zoos around. They bought their tickets and entered the zoo.

Jisoo started to wander around, she was excited to meet all the animals. Jennie was not even a bit interested in the animals but she wanted to make Jisoo happy, and there she did. Jennie brought a camera and helped Jisoo took pictures with animals and candids of Jisoo. Both of them were pretty much enjoying themselves.

After walking through the zoo, they bought the safari tickets and went on a trip. They boarded the truck and it took off shortly. Jisoo was excited to see all the animals in such a close distance but Jennie wasn't. It wasn't obvious but she was terrified. Seeing all the animals walked right passed her eyes, there were moments that Jennie almost screamed out.

"Look it's a tiger!" Jisoo pointed out

"Hmm? Good, good" Jennie stammered

"Look! Look! It's a hippo! I like hippos! They're so large!" Jisoo exclaimed

"Yeah, good, good" Jennie replied

Her eyes weren't actually opened.

"Look! It's a cheetah! Oh my! Wait, is that a cheetah or a leopard?" Jisoo asked

Sweetest Felony // JensooWhere stories live. Discover now