Chapter 17

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It wasn't a recorded interview so Jennie didn't have to change into something formal, she just changed out from her gown into something comfortable, Jisoo too. So Min attended Jisoo to Irene then left the set as Jisoo asked her to go back and rest at the hotel and since she was really tired.

After they were done, Irene came and brought the both of them to the meeting room. They waited for a while then Seulgi came in with a lady after sometime.

"Rachel, the one who would be interviewing you later" Seulgi introduced

Jennie stood up and shook hands with Rachel while giving her a polite smile and said:

"Kim, Jennie Kim, nice to meet you"

Rachel smiled back and said:

"You too"

Seulgi then continued:

"This is Irene, Jennie's secretary and Jisoo, Jennie's partner for the cover"

Both Irene and Jisoo politely nodded their heads at Rachel, she nodded back too. Seulgi clapped her hands once for everyone's attention then said:

"So I guess we can start now"

All of them except Jisoo nodded their heads, it was none of Jisoo's business actually so she just quietly stayed beside Jennie. Jennie was seating in the middle with Jisoo and Irene sat by her side then Seulgi and Rachel sat across the table. Rachel took out her laptop and a device which looked like a recorder.

"I'm going to ask questions about your early life and your thoughts about being the heir of your family's company, we're going to be mainly focusing on your career, maybe only a few questions about your private life which you can refuse to answer, o everything will be recorded down but will not be publicly shown, is that okay Ms Kim?" Rachel said

Jennie nodded her head and said:


Rachel nodded her head and pressed a little button on the recorder,

"The recording begins now" Rachel said

Jisoo assumed Jennie was a little nervous since it was her interview, so she moved her hand under the table and softly patted Jennie's leg, hoping it would sooth her down. Jennie turned her head to Jisoo and confidently smiled at her, she knew why Jisoo did that and wanted to told her she wasn't nervous at all but the interview started.

Rachel cleared her throat and said:

"Good day Ms Kim, first of all...."

Rachel started off with a simple question. She was just asking about Jennie's early life, Jennie steadily replied her but slowly, she moved her hands under the table too and grabbed Jisoo's hands, which caught Jisoo by surprise. She kept her actions small so nobody noticed. Jisoo was shocked and was considering to wriggle it off when Jennie tighten the grip, signalling Jisoo she's not letting it go.

Jisoo gave up struggling immediately. Part of her didn't want to disturb the interview, part of her enjoyed that small action. Seeing Jisoo giving up, Jennie took the chance to intertwined their fingers again, she just enjoyed that so much.

The interview went on and Jennie easily answered all Rachel questions, it wasn't any hard questions, it was designed to sculpture Jennie into a smart and professional image, which wasn't hard, since Jennie is smart and professional.

"For the very last question, can I ask who would you like to thank for supporting you all the time?" Rachel asked

It was very soon the last question, Jennie thought for a while then replied:

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