Chapter 24

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Jisoo was brought to the car park immediately by So Min. So Min looked so angry that Jisoo was a little scared to talk to her. She knew she shouldn't have said that impulsive statement but she didn't regret at all. She just felt a little sorry towards So Min, after all she's her manager, she should have let her know.

So Min didn't say anything, she grabbed Jisoo's bag then brought Jisoo to the car then walked to the driver and said:

"Send her back to the company"

So Min then stuffed Jisoo's bag in the car then without even saying anything to Jisoo, So Min turned and left. Watching So Min leave, Jisoo sighed and went up the car.

The driver didn't watched the show but he knew something wasn't right so he said nothing. He started the car then they left the building. As soon as they left the building, the radio got its signal and then Jisoo heard the deejay saying:

"...Actress Kim Jisoo, just confessed that she had been dating for the past fiver years! Just now, on a live broadcast, she and partner Jin was..."

Jisoo sighed as soon as she heard then said:

"Please turn it off"

The driver didn't ask why but nodded his head and just turned it off. Jisoo leaned by the window and looked outside. Although her head is all messed up, her heart knew she did the right thing.

She showed Jennie she wasn't afraid of anything, for them.

The car drove through the streets. Many shops went past Jisoo's eyes, watching a couple walking out from a jewellery shop. The smile on their face were so genuine. Jisoo wanted that. She wanted that smile on hers and Jennie's face. An idea flashed through Jisoo's mind.

"Stop the car!" Jisoo shouted
The driver was shocked but he hit the brakes immediately. He stopped by the road then asked:

"Is there any problem?"

Unbuckling her seatbelt, she said:

"I'll go down to buy something for a while"

"But So Min asked me to send you back directly" the driver said

"I'll explain to her" Jisoo said

She then unlocked the door and ran down the car and right to the jewellery shop, before the driver could even stop her. Pushing through the door, Jisoo was a little panting. She took a deep breathe and looked through the store. There were only two sales person inside the store. Both their eyes widen as somebody suddenly dashed into their store but when they realised that person was Jisoo, one gasped and one's mouth fallen to the ground.

One of them stammered:

"A-are you Jisoo?"

Jisoo was still panting so she just nodded her head. The person looked like she was about to faint. Another person walked out from the counter and said:

"Oh my god it's a pleasure to see you, I'm a big fan!"

Jisoo smiled and finally not panting anymore, she replied:

"Thank you, nice to meet you too"

"No, thank you!" the other person exclaimed

Jisoo smiled and looked at her. One cleared her throat and said:

"How can we help you?"

"I'm looking for rings, like rings that match" Jisoo said

One of them lifted her eyebrows and suggested:

"Like couple rings?"

Jisoo nodded her head and said:

"Something like those, but is it possible to adjust the size of the ring?"

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