Chapter 2

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30 minutes later, Jisoo's manager appeared at her condominium. She drove her to her company and there were lots of reporters waiting there. Her manager drove to the back door to avoid the reporters and they went in through the back door. They went up to the meeting room immediately, her boss was already inside waiting for her, along with some managers.

"Jisoo, it's been a long time since we last talk" her boss said

Jisoo nodded her head and said:

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning, have a seat first, some people haven't arrive yet"

Jisoo nervously sat down on a chair, her manager sat beside her. Her manager took her hand and gave her a reassuring glance. After a while, someone knocked the door.

"Come in" Jisoo's boss said

Three people came in, they were Jin's manager, Jin's boss and Jin. While they greeted each other, Jin smiled at Jisoo and mouthed:

"It's okay"

Jisoo nodded at him. Then, the three of them sat down opposite Jisoo. Sitting at the end of the table, Jisoo's boss cleared his throat and said:

"Well I believe all of us know why we are hear, to discuss the scandal that came out this morning"

He turned on the projector and the screen showed pictures of Jin and Jisoo, some were taken at the concert, both of them were standing close to each other, then there's pictures showing the both of them at Jisoo's house's lobby, and there's pictures of Jin leaving Jisoo's house.

"So, can we hear some explanation from the both of you?" Jin's boss asked

"Okay, the thing is, we are definitely not dating" Jin said

Jisoo nodded her head and said:

"Definitely no, the truth is like this"

They started saying the whole story, from how Jisoo lost a bet and they went to the concert and Jin went up for a drink only. After hearing the whole story, everyone went silent. Finally, Jisoo's boss asked:

"Just like that?"

"Just like that" Jisoo replied

"So what should we do?" Jin asked

"Nothing, we do nothing" Jin's boss said

"What do you mean by nothing?" Jisoo's manager asked

"We let the world imagine, we need this popularity for their upcoming movie, we don't say defend it nor agree it" Jin's boss said

"Wait, I don't agree" Jisoo said

"Jisoo, Jin, may the both of you go out first" Jisoo's boss said

"But-" Jisoo wasn't able to finish her sentence when her boss cut her off

"Now, please"

Jisoo unwillingly left the room, Jin followed her, they went to her manager's room.

Jisoo slammed the door and sulked on the couch, Jin chuckled and said:

"Is it really that bad?"

"Yes it is" Jisoo complained

"Come on, it's not that bad, I'm the pity one alright!" Jin said

"Why is that so?" Jisoo asked

"Hey, I've never dated anyone before okay, you just took away my first love" Jin jokingly said

"As if that's important" Jisoo rolled her eyes and said

"Hey! First love is very important okay? It's the sweetest memory in one's whole life!" Jin exclaimed

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