Chapter 6

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"Welcome to Met Gala, everyone please take your seats, we're starting soon" the MC said

After making sure everyone was sat down, he took the mic and continued:

"Before we start the dinner, I would like to settle a small incident that happened just now"

"So I've heard Ms Ju Min came to our dinner, can you please stand up, I would like to see where are you" he said

A little surprised, Ju Min who was sitting far behind stood up. She was thinking maybe she got the chance to change to a frontier seat.

The MC looked at Ju Min and said:

"Well, Ms Ju Min, and all guests, please put your eyes on the screen, we have something special to show you"

Everyone turned their heads to the screen, it was a CCTV footage. Right after a while, it started playing. Nothing happed at first. Then Jin and Jisoo walked in to the image. Then Jin left. Then Ju Min came and she spilled wine all over Jisoo.

Everything that happened in front of the window was now replaying in from of everyone. At first people were teasing when it showed only Jin and Jisoo, but everyone was in shock when Ju Min poured wine all over Jisoo. Sounds and voices started coming out from all sides, Jisoo looked at Ju Min and saw her face was already turning white.

"Ms Ju Min, is there any excuses or explanations?" the MC asked

Ju Min turned away and sat down, not wanting to reply the MC. The MC called out:


A few men is suit came from behind, they walked to Ju Min and one of them signalled to the door and said:


As reluctant as she is, Ju Min was afraid of the guards. They looked like they could rip her apart with their bare hands. Ju Min slammed the table and walked out from the hall. People started clapping, Jisoo felt pathetic for her but funny at the same time.

The Mc cleared his throat to attract the attention, he started saying:

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome! Now I know all of you must be curious, curious about this first Met Gala at our beloved hometown, so I present to you, the man who made this all possible, Mr Kim
Jung Ho!"

The spotlight moved to the doors, it slowly opened and a man stepped inside the room, with a woman by his side. People stood up and started to applause. A really tall guy was blocking Jisoo's way so she couldn't really see what's in front. She moved her neck to try to see but it didn't work. A little frustrated, Jisoo head Rosé who's standing by her side softly mumbled:


As if fate, the man who was blocking Jisoo's sight moved a little and that moment, Jennie walked before Jisoo's eyes. She looked professional, like if her father's the king, she would be a princess, but no that type who only knows how to enjoy life, but that type who's destined to be a queen.

Jennie had grown. Her featured became sharper, she's no long a girl. She's a woman. She wore a black gown, making her look cold, especially when she wasn't smiling.

But Jennie wasn't alone. Right beside her, stood a guy, a very handsome guy. Jisoo admitted that he looked exactly like a sculptured crafted by God personally. Everyone was curious, was the lady walking behind Mr Kim his daughter, if that's so, who's the man beside her?

Camera flashes from the reporters flashed like crazy. But Jennie didn't even blink. The man beside her whispered something in her ears. Jennie turned and looked at the man, she smiled. The smile, it used to belong to Jisoo only. Jennie smiled, she was so beautiful. Jisoo felt weird, but she didn't know why.

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