Chapter 15

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With completely stunned eyes, Jisoo stared at Jennie, not knowing what to do or to say. Just then, So Min walked over and asked:

"Can we leave now?"

Jennie casually nodded her head and said:

"Let's go"

She took her bag and stood up from the couch, she then smiled and softly took away the earphones from Jisoo's hands. Jennie turned to Irene and signalled for her to leave. Before turning away, Jennie politely smiled to So Min and Jisoo then only she turned and walked away.

Watching Jennie leave, So Min shook her head and said:

"Ain't she beautiful?"

Nobody replied her, So Min turned her head to Jisoo and found her looking stunned and shocked, So Min frowned and snapped her fingers in front of Jisoo.

"Hello! Wake Up!" So Min said

Jisoo blinked her eyes and stammered:

"Yeah yeah"

"Don't you agree?" So Min asked

"Agree with what?" Jisoo asked

"Ms Jennie is so beautiful" So Min repeated

Jisoo then mumbled:


So Min sighed and said:

"God is so unfair"

Jisoo slightly smiled and looked at her, So Min then took up her things and said:

"Let's go"

Both of them went to the shooting place in two separate cars. Since they left first, naturally Jennie's car arrived first. During the journey, both Irene and Jennie were quiet at first, but then Irene suddenly said:


Jennie hummed in response

Irene paused for a while then said:

"I don't know what happened between you and Jisoo, but don't let it come between your photoshoot later, you know how important this is"

It is indeed a very important photoshoot for Jennie, this is the first time ever she would be publicly showed to the world, it is very critical in sculpturing her public image.

Jennie sighed but didn't reply. Irene continued:

"You should never let anything come before your career, this is not a game or what, it involves your future and the whole Kim's Group"

"Be professional, remember who you are and why you came here" Irene finished

Eventually, Jennie slightly nodded her head.

When they reached the set, Jennie followed Irene out from the car. Together, they walked inside the building. As soon as they entered the set, one young man stepped forward and asked:

"Ms Jennie?"

Irene smiled at the man and said:

"I'm Irene, Jennie's assistant, this is Jennie"

The man smiled at the both of them and said:

"Good day, my name is Mino, I'm the assistant for Ms Kang, the creative director of Vogue also the photographer for this photoshoot and she's already inside waiting for you"

After Mino finished, he signalled for them to follow him, Irene said:

"Jisoo hasn't arrived yet"

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