Chapter 22

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Jisoo and Tae Hyung went to the back of Irene's kitchen. Tae Hyung presses his lips closed and Jisoo stared at the ground, it was quiet for a moment until Tae Hyung said:

"Do you love Jennie?"

"Yes" Jisoo softly said

"Why?" Tae Hyung asked

There's so many reasons why Jisoo like Jennie, because she' pretty, because she's cute, she's lovely, caring and so many many things that made Jisoo liked her. But none was the reason Jisoo loved her. Jisoo then realised she had no idea why she loved Jennie.

She shook her head and said:

"I don't know, there's no answer to it"

Tae Hyung nodded his head and said:

"There's never an answer to love"

They paused for a while then Tae Hyung said:

"Jisoo, can I call you Jisoo?"

Jisoo nodded her head, Tae Hyung then continued:

"Jisoo, I'm going have to ask you to do me a favour"

Jisoo looked at Tae Hyung, waiting for him to continue, Tae Hyung pressed his lips together then said:

"Don't ever give up on Jennie, don't ever let her go, even if she pushed you away, it wouldn't be what she wanted to do, she might think it's the only way to protect you, she is stubborn that way, but you should know, there's no way she would stop loving you, not even a second"

"She might say harsh words or do something wrong to hurt you, but it was all because she wanted to reduce your pain when she leaves, even if it means you hating her" Tae Hyung continued

He then said:

"Five years ago, when I first met Jennie she looked so numb, she looked like she had lost her soul, she would just stare in front and get lost in her thoughts randomly, that happened when she left you. Now, she might push you away but she can't loose you, she will force herself to leave but it would definitely kill her this time, I know she would never be able to forgive herself if she broke your heart again, but I also knows she would rather live in guilt forever then letting anyone else hurt you"

"So, if you love her, don't even let her go, even if it means you have to overcome a lot of challenges, Jennie wouldn't make it without you anymore, and I know it, can you promise to not leave?" Tae Hyung asked

There was a definite answer in Jisoo's heart but she didn't answer him. She lifted her head and asked:

"Why are you telling me all these"

"Because I want Jennie to be happy, and I know I'm not the one who can bring her happiness" Tae Hyung softly said

The both of them went silent again. After some time, Jisoo then said:

"You're a good guy"

Tae Hyung smiled bitterly and replied

"And you're a lucky lady"

Jennie's face came to Jisoo's mind, she nodded her head and said:

"I know"

Tae Hyung nodded his head too and said:

"I'll leave for now"

Jisoo looked at him and said:

"Thank you"

Tae Hyung shook his head then turned and left. Jisoo didn't not actually gave him a clear answer but they both know what Jisoo's answer is. But, after walking a few steps away, Tae Hyung turned back and said:

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