Chapter 26

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The next morning, Jennie woke up first and also earlier than usual. Jisoo was soundly asleep beside her. Looking at Jisoo's face, Jennie couldn't help it but leaned forward and planted a soft kiss at Jisoo's cheek. A smile crept up Jennie's face. After staring at her for some time, Jennie softly sighed and got up from the bed.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen, Jennie was planning to make breakfast for Jisoo, knowing she would be too worried about her to eat later. She tied up her hair and started cooking. It took her some time but eventually she completed a simple breakfast, waffles with scramble eggs and a nice cup of yogurt. Jennie left a note by the foods at the dining table then went up again to change her clothes.

After a simple shower, Jennie took out her phone and made a phone call.


"Hello, Tae, it's me"


"I need you to do me a favour"

After communicating with Tae Hyung, Jennie was ready to leave. She walked to the bed and took one last glance at Jisoo, thinking in her heart:

'This is the best I could do for you love'

She gently touched Jisoo's face then eventually turned and left.

Walking down the stairs, Jennie found Irene sitting at the living room.

"Good morning" Jennie greeted

Irene nodded her head and asked:

"Where are you going?"

"Home" Jennie said

"What?" Irene exclaimed

"I'm going to try to sort things out" Jennie said

"Alone?" Irene asked

"Yeah" Jennie said

But then she paused for a while and said:

"Well, not technically but you'll see"

Irene hesitated for a while then asked:

"Does Jisoo knows?"

"She knows I'm going back, but not about my plan" Jennie replied

Irene nodded her head then said:


"You leaving now?" Irene asked

Jennie nodded her head. Irene got up from the couch then said:

"Wait for a while, I'll send you there"

Jennie wanted to decline Irene's offer but she thought through it and found out that there was no harm in Irene's offer so she nodded her head and waited for Irene to change her clothes and grab her keys.

During the journey, none of them spoke. It was silent but not awkward. Irene was just focusing on driving and Jennie was preparing herself mentally. Very soon, they arrived at Jennie's house.

As usual, it looked grand and breathtaking, but not to Jennie. It just gave her a suffocating feeling. Taking a deep breathe, Jennie turn to Irene and said:

"Hyun, do me a favour"

"What?" Irene asked

"Later at 2 in the noon, bring Jisoo to the hotel, but keep in private, don't let anyone recognise y'all" Jennie said

"Why?" Irene asked

"You'll see" Jennie replied

Irene thought for a while then said:

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