Chapter 11

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Rosé and Lisa came together to pick them up. They decided to go to Jisoo's house first. The minute Jennie opened her phone, notifications kept on spamming her phone. She frowned as she scrolled through all those notifications, they were all from Instagram and she didn't really understood where were they from. She showed her phone to Jisoo and asked:

"Why am I getting this?"

Jisoo scrolled through all those notifications then suddenly exclaimed:

"Oh my god you have like 700K followers now!"

"What!" both Lisa and Rosé exclaimed

"What does that means?" Jennie confusingly asked

"Well that means 700K people are following you now" Lisa exclaimed

"Is that normal?" Jennie asked

"Of course not!" Lisa exclaimed

"Well, normally people only have a few hundred followers, maybe thousands, only famous people, celebrities or people who are special in something have like hundred thousands of followers" Rosé explained

"And you had only opened your account for like two hours, how is that even possible?" Jisoo exclaimed

"Well, I'm special in something" Jennie said

"What?" Lisa asked

"I'm especially beautiful" Jennie said with a straight face

That made Jisoo rolled her eyes hard

"You didn't even post a picture!" she said

Just then, Jennie received a few more notifications again, she pressed on one and it led her to her direct messages.

[ Hi, you might not know who am I, but I am a fan of Rosé, can I know why is she following you? ]

Jennie frowned and swiped out of the message, only then she found a few thousand more messages. She simply pressed on one and it said:

[ Hi, who are you? ]

She continued to press into some and they said:

[ Please tell Jisoo I love her! ]

[ Are you a hacker? ]

[ Sorry to bother but please tell Lisa I love her ]

[ Who are you? Why is Jisoo and Rosie and Lisa following you? ]

After reading a few more messages, Jennie realised all people were sending messages about Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé to her. She frowned and asked:

"Why are they sending me messages about the three of you?"

Jisoo took her phone and scrolled through her messages, finally she understood and chuckled, Jisoo said:

"I think I know why you gained so much followers"

"Why?" Jennie asked

"They are all our fans, and we just followed you, so of course people are curious!" Jisoo said

Lisa immediately nodded her head and said:

"Ah, that's why"

"Are you sure it's not because I'm pretty?" Jennie asked

"They don't even know who you are!" Rosé said

"That proves that people like me even though they don't know who I am" Jennie concluded

"That makes absolutely no sense" Lisa said

Jennie shrugged and put her phone away, just then Jisoo's phone rang, she picked it up.

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