Chapter 10

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The next day, Jennie woke up earlier than ever due to the uncomfortableness of sleeping on the couch. She ordered breakfast to their room then checked her phone for flights later. There was one flight three hours later and another one in the evening. Without even any hesitation, Jennie booked the latest flight available. She wanted to have as much quality time as possible just for the two of them.

After booking the flight, she had a shower and after she got out from the shower, their meal was already there. Not wanting to wake Jisoo up while she was blowing her head, Jennie went out to the balcony to dry her hair. The wind was freezing cold and since Jennie's hair was still wet, she's literally freezing.

She sneezed a few times and was about to become an ice cube when suddenly Jisoo opened the door and shouted:

"What are you doing?"

Jennie slowly turned back, with her lips shaking, she chattered:

"Drying my hair"

"Come in!" Jisoo said as she pulled Jennie's hands

Jennie unplugged the hairdryer and went in to their room. Jennie stood there still cause she was too cold to move. Jisoo shook her head and asked:

"Why did you blow your hair outside?"

"Because the hairdryer is noisy" Jennie said

"So?" Jisoo asked

"You were sleeping" Jennie said

Jisoo looked at her without answering. After a while, Jennie finally gain the courage and asked:

"Can you hug me? Cause I'm freezing cold right now"

Jisoo immediately nodded her head and took a step forwards, she threw her hands around Jennie and pulled her closer to herself. Jennie felt so warm that moment. Jisoo was like a human heater and Jennie craved for that warmth. Jennie moved her frozen hands and circled Jisoo's waist, then she pulled Jisoo to herself as if she wanted to squeeze Jisoo inside herself.

They remained in that position for a while then Jisoo let go because she touched Jennie's damp hair. She brought Jennie to the dressing table and let her sit down. Without saying anything, she turned on the hairdryer then started blowing Jennie's hair.

Jisoo was focused on Jennie's hair but through the corner of her eyes, she saw Jennie staring at her through the mirror. She couldn't help but blushed a little. Jennie saw Jisoo's face turned red and she asked:

"Why are you blushing?"

"N-no, it's a little hot in here don't you think?" Jisoo said

Just have been a frozen ice cure, Jennie steadily shook her head and said:


"Don't move your head!" Jisoo ordered

She wanted to distract Jennie's attention and it worked. Jennie immediately sat still and didn't move. Finally, Jisoo dried Jennie's hair and turned off the hairdryer.

Jisoo saw the food at the table and asked:

"Are those our breakfast?"

Jennie suddenly remembered about those and shouted:

"Wait! Go back to the bed!"

"What?" Jisoo asked

"Just go!" Jennie ordered

"Okay" Jisoo said

She was very confused but she walked back to the bed. Watching Jisoo lie back on the bed, Jennie nodded her head and said:

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