Chapter 7

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"We broke up." Jisoo said

The rest of them were stunned, they couldn't believe what they just heard.

"How much is this dress? I'll pay it back to you, this is from you right?" Jisoo asked

Jennie stared at Jisoo for a moment without any sight of smile in her eyes. After a moment, Jennie said:

"Jisoo, what are you saying?"

"I'm asking how much is this dress, I'll pay it back to you" Jisoo indifferently said

"You didn't say we broke up right? Thank god, I thought I was crazy" Jennie said

"No" Jisoo shook her head

"I did" she said

"Why?" Jennie asked

Jisoo smirked as if she had just heard the funniest thing in the world,

"Why? You ask me why?" Jisoo asked

"Jennie, you promised you would never leave me" Jisoo softly said

"Please don't" Jennie pleaded

"Don't what? Don't leave? Don't go?" Jisoo asked

"Jennie you didn't even gave me the chance to beg you to stay" Jisoo simply said

Then there was dead silence. Lisa and Rosé was literally scared. Both of Jisoo and Jennie looked like two ticking bombs in front of them, as if they would explode suddenly.

After a long silence, Jennie said:

"So we're breaking up now"

Jisoo nodded her head

"After five years, I've been waiting for you" Jennie said

Jisoo shook her head and said:

"No, after five years I've been waiting for you, I chose to move on"

"Five years had passed, things had changed, you're already not the old you that I know, I am also not the old me already" Jisoo said

"You had found someone to love right? The man behind you all night, what's his name?" Jisoo simply asked

"Tae Hyung" Jennie replied

"Ah yes, Tae Hyung, he seems like a nice guy, congratulations" Jisoo said

Lisa, being the one who saw Tae Hyung holding Jennie's hand lowered her head, she wasn't sure what to say now. Rosé, not seeing it freaked out, she frowned and said:

"Jisoo, it's not what you think, maybe they're just friends, tell her Jennie, tell her both of you were just friends"

Jisoo didn't reply, she looked as Jennie as if she's waiting for an answer too. Jennie looked at Rosé for a while then said:

"Me and Tae Hyung, we're currently dating"

Rosé frowned and worriedly said:

"Well, tell her you did that because your father told you to, tell her it's not what you want"

"Chaeng, Tae Hyung is a nice guy, nobody forced me" Jennie said

That left Rosé speechless.

Jennie hesitated but eventually turned to Jisoo and asked:

"Did you ever love me?"

Jisoo smiled and said:

"Maybe? Maybe not. I don't know if it was love, maybe it was just a crush, but I woke up now"

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