Chapter 18

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Lisa booked a restaurant at the second floor of Eiffel Tower. It was luxurious. The moment Jennie and Jisoo got there, they were immediately treated with high quality service.

"How many?" the waiter asked

"Our friend made a reservation, her name is Lalisa Manoban" Jennie said

The waiter looked through the list and found Lisa's name. He nodded and said:

"Under the name Ms Manoban, VIP room for four right?"

Jennie nodded her head and replied:


After getting Jennie's confirmation, the waiter nodded his head again and said:

"Your room is ready, please follow me"

The waiter lead them to a room behind. The decorations at the restaurant was very fancy, there was a live band playing some soft musics, people were all dressed up and in was overall very classy.

As soon as they entered the room, they were immediately amazed by the view. The room had a great view of Paris, the buildings, the lights reflected on the river, it was very breathtaking. Inside the room was very spacious and there's also a piano beside. The waiter smiled seeing their amazed face and said:

"This is our best room, please enjoy yourselves, the special requests are all placed over there, behind the board"

The waiter pointed at the corner, both Jennie and Jisoo didn't understand what he meant by special request but they didn't ask, they just nodded their heads.

The waiter then continued:

"The menu is right over there and please ring the bell when you're ready to order or in need of any assistance"

Both of them thanked the waiter and then the waiter left. They walked over to the corner and went behind the board, behind was a rather big square box, almost one meter tall and there was a few smaller boxes beside, Jisoo picked up a small box and opened it, inside was fulled with flower petals. Jisoo showed it to Jennie and asked:

"Why did Lisa requested for flower petals?"

Jennie's eyes widen and said:

"I think it's for the proposal!"

Jisoo immediately nodded her head and said:


Before they could open the other boxes, they heard someone opening the door and walking in.

"Where are them?" they heard Rosé's voice saying

"I don't know, let's call them" Lisa replied

Both of them exchanged glances, they can't let Rosé come near the boxes if it's the surprise Lisa prepared. They were thinking of ways to sneak away when suddenly, Jisoo's phone rang. Jennie horrifiedly stare at Jisoo and Jisoo horrifiedly stared back too.

"Do you hear something?" Rosé asked

"Yes" Lisa replied

Jisoo and Jennie heard footsteps getting nearer and at that second, their hearts almost stopped. Jennie gulped and shouted:

"It's us!"

"Jennie? What are you doing there?" Rosé asked as their footsteps were even nearer

"Wait! Don't come!" Jisoo shouted

"Jisoo? Why? What's wrong?" Lisa asked

Although it's a random request, both of them did stop their footsteps. It was a short relief for Jennie and Jisoo but now they need a reason for not wanting Lisa and Rosé to come near.

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