Chapter 27

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Jisoo was wearing a hoodie, a cap and a mask. The rest of them wore something to disguise themselves too. Looking at all the reporters and guests around them, Jisoo couldn't help but started to get worry,

"What is she planning to do?" Jisoo asked

Irene shook her head and replied:

"No idea"

Just then, the mc took the mic and said:

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, the press conference will be starting shortly, please take your seats, thank you for your attention"

Jisoo was worried but there was nothing she could do, leaning her back at the chair, she sighed and lowered her head. Rosé took her hand and squeezed it. Lifting her head and looking at Rosé, Rosé gave her a reassuring smile. Jisoo nodded her head and softly mumbled:

"I trust her"

After some time, the doors of the hall suddenly opened, the mc took the mic again and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Mr Kim Jung Ho"

Most people stood up and started clapping, so did they. They were siting by the aisle so they saw clearly as Jennie's father and mother walked in together, along with Jennie and Tae Hyung behind them.

Jisoo was looking at Jennie from the start. She watched as Jennie slowly walked from the door to the stage. Jennie's father and mother were smiling and waving but Jennie was just lowering her head and kept on walking. There wasn't even a smile on her face. But, when they were passing Jisoo's row, Jennie turned her head and looked at Jisoo in the eye. The expression on her face didn't change but Jisoo knew Jennie knew it was her.

The applause stopped when they went up stage. There were already four chairs arranged behind the table and so they took their seats. The remaining people under the stage took their seats too.

The mc said his opening speech and thanked everyone for attending, then without further ado, he passed the mic to Jennie's father.

Lights and cameras started flashing as soon as he got the mic. He turned it on and said:

"Good day to everyone here, my name is Kim Jung Ho, the CEO of Kim's Group, this is my wife, I believe most of you know her already"

"Today, I had this press conference to make two announcements and I am now going to begin with the first announcement. Before then, I have once introduced my daughter in the recent Met Gala but since it was considered as a private event, I will now officially introduce her to the world. Everyone, meet my daughter, Jennie Kim!"

Jennie wasn't expected this segment to happen as it wasn't in her plan, but she just stood up and follow the flow. Looking at all those cameras and flash, Jennie turned her head to Jisoo's row and found her immediately. Jisoo was looking at her too. Unconsciously, Jennie smiled at Jisoo, Jisoo saw and smiled back too but Jennie couldn't see it since Jisoo was wearing a mask.

After some time, Jennie's father said:

"Alright, that is the first announcement, my daughter had been my pride, she was the one who made Met Gala in Korea happened and I believe in few years time, she will again make me proud. Everyone, that was my daughter, Jennie Kim"

Then, in a round of applause, Jennie bowed to the audience then took her seat. Seeing everyone settle down, Jennie's father said:

"Now, it's for the second announcement"

"Five years ago, I started a branch company in New Zealand, which I would say was a success, thanks to the person in charge of the company, Kim Tae Hyung, this man right here"

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