Chapter 9

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"Run. Bring your brother with you."


"Please. Find !@#@%. You don't have much time. You might lose your me---"

A gasp was heard on the room.

Honoka's eyes were wide open before she woke up hearing some voices and seeing blurry images.

"Honoka?" Tsuna's voice was heard at her right side. "How are you feeling?" When she looked at Tsuna's face, his brow furrowed as he did not attempt to hide his worries.

She tried to sit up, only ended up lying back while massaging the sides of her head.

"I feel crap. I felt like I am having a hangover in which I hate a lot," she painfully mumbled. "I don't even remember drinking." she continued.

"You don't remember what happened?"

Honoka thought about it. What she remembered was her looking at the gruesome picture. Suddenly her head was getting a lot of pain again when she remembered the tattoo.

"Argh!" she exclaimed while clutching her head. She panted and panted.

Why is it that tattoo is so familiar? Urgh! My head hurts so much.

She calmed down a few seconds only for her to find out that Tsuna was using both rain and sun flames.

"I'm fine now Tsuna. Stop using your flames, it's eating up your life." She demanded right away as the pacifier was glowing again and his face was getting pale.

"You sure you're fine?" he double-checked.

A pillow was thrown to his face.

"Hey!" Honoka just raised her right brow.

"Stop worrying about me."

"You just trashed out and went screaming earlier. Of course I would be worried." He retorted.

She sighed as she would not win at this conversation.

"Anyways," she started which earned a pout from Tsuna for ignoring his rant. "The reason of what happened earlier was a tattoo of one of the victims. It had a heart fleur-de-lis and a dagger thingy. I'm not sure how to describe it." she explained.

"You were screaming to no 'hurt us', is it related to it?"

"I think so. I had blurry images again when I was unconscious. I think it has to be related to my past. A woman's voice was telling me to run with my brother before it is too late. She was asking me to find someone. I could not get a name."

"Hmmm... so I was right in letting Dino-san in investigate the weird tattoo on the picture." Honoka was puzzled why did he do that. Tsuna, recognized the confusion he answered, "Intuition." which earned him a rolled eyes by Honoka.

Honoka laid back on the bed with a heavy grunt. She scrunched her brow like a child. Tsuna chuckled by that action.

"Ever since my flames were unlocked, it has given me a lot of problems," she complained.

"Would you rather have a severe headache for remembering everything all at once? I doubt you'll survive," Tsuna paused before patting her head. "Let's take one step at a time."

"Ne, Tsuna?"


"Just a random thought though," she hesitated to continue but Tsuna gave a signal that he will listen. "I-If ever I have my memories back and I found out that I am actually your enemy... would you still accept me?" She whispered the last part.

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